Licenders Connecticut w Stamford

Stany ZjednoczoneLicenders Connecticut



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30, Myano Lane, 06902, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-309-3900
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0497962, Longitude: -73.5645717

komentarze 4

  • en

    Y Elman


    Used services years back. Very helpful. Extremely professional across all levels of staff. Responsive. Highly recommended.

  • Jose Bowers

    Jose Bowers


    Thank you Licenders. They are absolutely awesome. If you find yourself with a case of lice, look no further. These guys are reasonably priced, kind and quick. The information was knowledgeable, up to date, and very comprehensive. I will never, ever call anyone else if my kids get lice again.

  • Terry Holbrook

    Terry Holbrook


    Karen and Alan are wonderful. They are calm and patient when clients are often in a state of panic. They did a great job educating me and my daughter on how to follow up our visit to make sure we eliminated all nits and bugs. They were also extremely kind when, just a couple of months ago, my daughter insisted on a lice check the week before she left for her first year at college. They understood her concern and saw her promptly. Happily, she was lice free and left for school with peace of mind. Highly recommended.

  • Frank Paul

    Frank Paul


    I was so grateful and happy to find Licenders in online. I had thought I caught lice from my younger sister who caught it at her school. Already my mom has taken my sister to lice experts, but the problem has not been solved. But when I caught it, I found Licenders, called them to get an appointment and took a visit to their place. They checked me, my sister, and mom and give us some treatment. The customer service was over all fantastic and I saved their number to have in my family ever catches it again. I will just recommend to contact Licenders.

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