LG Salon w Amityville

Stany ZjednoczoneLG Salon



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40, Merrick Road, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-608-3426
strona internetowej: www.lgsalon.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6716959, Longitude: -73.4219553

komentarze 5

  • en

    Khrystyna Tulba


    I had a corrective balayage done by Nikki, she worked on me for 6 hours straight while not taking on any other customers. Great skill in technique and very dedicated. Everyone rotated in helping her with me (application of color alone took almost 2 hours).Friendly and professional staff. More intimate than other salons in the higher-end category.

  • June Stoyer

    June Stoyer


    Larry has a gorgeous salon and I always am treated like royalty whenever I go there. Niki, Emily, Maria and Valerie do fabulous jobs for anything I need, whether it is a touch-up, trim or cut. Larry especially does an excellent job on men's cuts. Michaela always takes her time to wash my very long hair thoroughly and with great care. This salon is very far from my home but worth the drive. I have been a loyal customer for over a decade and will never go elsewhere. I highly recommend this salon for all ages.

  • en

    Katie Muserilli


    Emily did the magic sleek treatment to my hair. The process took several hours but she and others at the salon made sure I was comfortable and taken care of throughout, also she was very nice! I could tell she worked very hard to ensure the best possible results and at no point did it seem as if she was rushing or skimping on the (immense) work to handle my (formerly) very curly hair. My hair feels amazing and I could not be happier! I plan to go back soon for other services. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

  • Dani Wharton

    Dani Wharton


    I love this salon! Nikki cuts my hair regularly and I also get the magic sleek hair treatment done! It’s amazing & makes my otherwise frizzy curly hair, straight and shiny all year round- even at the beach in the hot humid summer months! I definitely recommend this salon :)

  • en

    Sheryl Peters


    Shout of to Emily at LG Salon! I had used Emily back in May to do Magic Sleek and I loved it. I decided to go back to have her do my color and highlights. She did an awesome job!! I am loving my hair! Very natural looking. It came out exactly how I wanted it to come out! Highly recommend her!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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