Lex Construction in Holbrook

Vereinigte StaatenLex Construction



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917, Lincoln Avenue, 11741, Holbrook, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 631-289-6450
webseite: lexconstruction.net
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.7731004, Longitude: -73.0822385

kommentare 5

  • en

    York Belcher


    Home depot hired this company to install a front door in my home. This i can honestly say has been the worst customer service experience i have ever encountered. Its been 3 months and i have yet to even see the door that I've purchased. Their have been numerous attempts (initiated by myself) to schedule an installation which are consistently followed by delays/cancellations. They make no attempts to proactively reschedule and they infrequently followup on their promises to call back. Good luck if you decide to hire this company or if your job is outsourced to them by home depot.

  • en

    Tom Ferraiole


    I had LEX Construction install a completely new bathroom. I must say, they exceeded my expectations. Everyone - from Oakar (the planner), to Paul (the project manager), to Hector and Taylor (the installers), to John (the tile installer) were extremely competent - and courteous. They were the most professional team I've ever hired. I would recommend them highly!!!

  • en

    chris brindisi


    Home Depot hired this company for me when I ordered cabinets through them. Sadly, you're stuck w this company. No matter how badly they perform, Home Depot can't help either, Lots a great reviews about Jessica and her team, maybe it would have been better w her and her guys. I had Sandra! Wow! Lie after lie! The time sheets where men were to sign in and out were BS! She had her guys starting at 7am, no one ever started until after 7:30. Each worker, including Sandra would sit in their own car outside until at least 7:25. Then there's 15 minutes of them talking before any work begins. Then Sandra would mark them later than they really worked! This paper didn't even have correct employee names on it! I had different workers everyday, yet the same 2 names remained on that paper. That sign in sheet was filled out once a week, not everyday like they should be. Then you take a full day off of work for these people and they leave at 11:30! My molding was sitting here, why not put it up? The workers clearly stated they were going home on Friday at 11:22! The sign in sheet has them leaving later. When the guys left at 11:20am, I called Sandra and asked if the plumber could come now instead of 4pm since her guys left and the day was wasted. Sandra answered after a few minutes and said "no, tight schedule, they will come at 4pm. 30 minutes later, the plumber called and asked if he could come earlier because he had no work. He told me Sandra never called him. Why wouldn't Sandra just make that call? Lied about a filler, said designer didn't include one, Sandra said she would do ME a FAVOR and not charge me and she would buy me a filler. When a worker laughed and said "oh Sandra won't have to buy it, I'm sure we could find a piece of wood here", I got suspicious. I checked the paperwork, the filler was on every page,, 5 pages said filler next to refrigerator. I had paid for it already and it was in my house. Sandra is an architect, I can't believe that she can't read a paper that says filler. Her team made a mistake, instead of saying sorry, I'll fix it, she created a whole BS story about my refrigerator drawer and made like she was doing me a favor. Her guys laughing gave that lie away immediately which is why I checked the paperwork. Funny, my fridge draw worked properly as soon as the filler was added. Sandra lied about fixing damage to my house that her workers caused. Every time I showed her something that her workers damaged, she would get annoyed at me! Why shouldn't I say something? You're damaging my property. When the job came to an end, Sandra had my floor fixed that her guys damaged, with pieces that I provided and told me that made up for all the damage to my siding that is 6 weeks old and everything else! Really? Then they threw out my custom ordered molding to my brand new floor. Sandra said, "yeah, that's normal to through out the floor molding really?!. We were not changing the floor, just swapping out cabinets! Who throws out a persons pre ordered special floor molding when replacing cabinets? Why not just say sorry, we will re order it for you. Sandra told me my cabinet doors that have a shelf aren't meant to touch in the center when the doors are closed. Really?! Have you ever seen cabinet doors that don't meet in the center when they are closed? Even the cabinets on display in Home Depot are closed! Yes, I paid 21k for new cabinets but everyone should see my cereal boxes. Sandra just didn't want to admit that there was another mistake. When she left, a kind worker adjusted the doors. When I told him what Sandra had said, that the doors should'nt meet in the center, he looked at me like I was nuts! The stress from this company is not worth their service. I called management at Lex Construction 2x's, they never called back, they couldn't care any less. Home Depot said they have no control over Lex Construction but yet Home Depot hired them. Go elsewhere and if you order any home improvement's from Home Depot, know that you are getting these people! A simple, I'm sorry, goes a long way Lex!

  • en

    JoAnn Mott


    I would highly reccomend Lex Construction ! Always professional and awesome work Great staff!

  • en

    Elisa Corridore


    I've been in the customer service, relationship management field for 25+ years, so I believe I'm qualified to call out an exceptional experience with Lex Construction and with their project manager Jessica - an exceptional employee. You will hit the jackpot if Jessica is assigned to manage your project. She's professional, knows her stuff, and is personable. You couldn't ask for more. The work performed was quality. All the workmen were professional, experience, presentable, and spoke English. Most importantly, their work is guaranteed. I had a minor problem 3 months after the fact, Jessica came to evaluate, scheduled the workers, and the problem was fixed. NO HASSLES!!!!! Couldn't ask for more.

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