Level 1 Scrubs & Accessories i Fort Worth

Forenede StaterLevel 1 Scrubs & Accessories



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7430, North Beach Street, 76137, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-281-5851
internet side: www.level1scrubs.com
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Latitude: 32.8737174, Longitude: -97.2889167

kommentar 5

  • Hemanth Ankalappa

    Hemanth Ankalappa


    Had a good time shopping scrubs/jackets/embroidery for my new office. Rae and Gabe helped us out. They were very patient with my team and helped us out in selection. Truly 5 star service.

  • Amanda Garrison

    Amanda Garrison


    The new remodel really opens up the store ! The environment is great ,as well as the selection of scrubs! They have a lot of items without it feeling too crowed. The employees stop what they are doing to greet you and make you feel welcome, helping you pick out the perfect scrubs. It's a great store with 4 fitting rooms, a wide range of shoes and my favorite the awesome compression socks !!

  • Rebecca Krout

    Rebecca Krout


    I personally have been coming here for years with my mom (who has been a nurse for over 25 years) and now since I have a class in highschool that requires me to wear scrubs, this place is the only place I choose to shop from. The staff are all friendly and assist if you are having difficulty finding something. They carry top brand scrubs and I personally have never had a problem here. I recommend all of my friends and nurses to shop here. There is no other place like Level One.

  • McLain Ford

    McLain Ford


    Always have such a great experience here! Their customer service is great - Alex was extremely helpful. They give great discounts for medical field, students, military, and new jobs! Their store is really organized and have the best selection of different brands/styles. Wouldn't go anywhere else for scrubs!

  • en

    Jennifer Wright


    This store is great! The employees are so pleasant and helpful. And their selection is second to none. Plus - they offer discounts for people in the medical field, military, and students! Their prices are already great, but adding discounts is very generous. I came from south Fort Worth because of their great reviews, and I wasn't disappointed. Definitely worth the drive.

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