Let's Face It w Saint Paul

Stany ZjednoczoneLet's Face It


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1608, Como Avenue, 55108, Saint Paul, Ramsey County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 651-644-0600
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Latitude: 44.9770792, Longitude: -93.1683386

komentarze 3

  • en

    Raberta Rankin


    I am extremely upset over the lack of professionalism shown by Neshaun at Let's Face It- a salon which has a history of great hair, but that's it! I had been going to this salon since late Summer due to a recommendation from a co-worker whose hair always looked fabulous. At my first visit, I had recently taken out individual braids. Neshaun asked how long it had been since the last touch -up. I said three months. She then explained that she would need to do a clarifier in order to not overlap the relaxer. I was worried because I have a sensitive, dry scalp. She assured me it would be okay. A clarifier involved wetting my hair down, putting in the solution, which was rinsed out and being placed under a hair dryer. After doing this the relaxer was applied, and it started itching, then burning. It was rinsed out, conditioned and dried. Neshaun told me where the burn was (she described a spot on the left side of my head). By the time I returned home, the entire crown of my head was scabbing up. I used some product to ease the scarring and not allow the hair to become stuck to the burn. My scalp recovered and I let Neshaun know what happened. She had not had this occur before but would make note of it. Hmmm. After the 2nd touch-up, I should've known not to go back. Neshaun had an assistant wash out the relaxer and I later determined- upon standing up in the shampoo area- he had mixed Dawn Dishwashing liquid with the neutralizing shampoo. It wrecked havoc on my hair the rest of the month. It appears Let's Face It is a shop with independent operators, whom all rent space. There is no one person in charge-just a landlord. Each booth is sectioned off into small rooms. There is no receptionist to welcome you to the shop. If you are another person's client, just go to their area. In fact, there were two times that were rescheduled in which Neshaun failed to notify me, prior to my arrival. Each time her comment was "I called everyone else, I forgot about you" Is this because I had been coming for a short time period; only saw her for a touch-up and trim? This was the last straw: I had set an appointment via text (doesn't answer her phone for voice mail) for 9/12 @ 5:00 PM. She doesn't work Fri-Sun. Fine. She called me on 9/5, asking "Why aren't you here?". referred her back to the original text. Her response? "Oh". I then showed up for the scheduled appointment. Once again, Neshaun was not there. In fact, the other stylist said she hadn't been in all day. No offer to have another stylist look after me, just "You should call her". Neshaun calls me two minutes after this conversation. As if I were a neighbor sitting on the stoop, she says "Oh Girl I couldn't do it today. I'm wiped out. I thought I had called everyone. I'm moving everyone over to Friday, can you do it then?" I was ready to start cursing a blue streak, so I agreed. Once I got back in my car, I texted her back and let her know I would not be coming in Friday, and I would not be back. Her response -via text? " Uh. ok." REALLY? No apology, no offer to make things right? Whatever form it may have come in. I'm beyond annoyed. Yes, she is TALENTED. Customer service? POOR. Neshaun may be a good stylist, but the lack of consideration and respect shown in regard to my time and money is inexcusable. If Neshaun's intent is to keep a small clientele that she has serviced for a number of years, she's well on her way. But if she wants to expand, she needs to step up her game.

  • en

    A Google User


    I have never had my hair washed so well! I know there are a variety of workers here with a lot of talent, but I have to warn people about one hair stylist in particular, Shannon. She knows what she's doing. BUT! I was at the salon for 6 1/2 hours!!! No exaggerations! I'm black, i'm familiar with waiting around to get my hair done. I was 9 months pregnant and obviously pregnant, only brought enough food to last the standard 3 hours. Shannon didn't care. She was late, let others go before me, took several dinner breaks, spent time on the phone.. UNPROFESSIONAL. If you want to go here, see someone else, please. Seriously, I still get upset about the way shannon conducted herself.

  • en

    A Google User


    Weather it's a wash or a full service when u come u will be happy u took the time out to face it becouse they offer a wide range of services that will meet your need the stylest over there really take the time out to explain to u what there using and why it's been used I'll recommand this salon to people thats looking for a salon that not only care about hair but make sure each and every customer is happy when exiting there salon.check them out prices due varies so keep in mind your worth having health hair.

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