L.E.S. Dental Group w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneL.E.S. Dental Group



🕗 godziny otwarcia

62, Rivington Street, 10002, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 646-862-7008
strona internetowej: www.lesdentalgroup.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.720786, Longitude: -73.990097

komentarze 5

  • Onyx Noir

    Onyx Noir


    I've been coming here for years, I've recommended several friends to this establishment, they are wonderful warm fun staff with great work I've always been satisfied and I believe you will be to.

  • kenneth hollins

    kenneth hollins


    This dental office is real cool. The staff is patient with you they put my authorization in 3 times and I was denied each time but they did not give up on me and that meant a lot to me some places they stop the first time you are denied and the doctor was cool too so I have to give a 5 star now I took care of my part and now I am about 1 month away from smiling and eating a good meal I would recommend this dental office

  • Daljit Grewal

    Daljit Grewal


    Great and friendly dental associates and clerical staff. Wait time can be crazy long even with appointment, so leave a lot of time. They do an excellent job and answer all your questions. Location is a bit shady, not a place I would recommend for kids but everyone who works there is wonderful.

  • Spring Flowers

    Spring Flowers


    I just wanted to take a moment to share my experience with L.E.S Dental Group. I've been going there for many years and had a great experience every time. Dr. Carlina Damianou is a wonderful person, she help me alot with my dental problems and she is very patient with her work. I'm glad I found this place plus the staff were very friendly. I would gladly recommend my friends or family for a dental checkup.

  • MaryAnn Siwek

    MaryAnn Siwek


    Everyone is very busy. There is not enough time to ask questions or get the proper help. Keep your own records as to what has been done. Even though you make an appointment, you could be waiting 2 hours before you get seen at all. You the patient has to keep up on things in this office.

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