Leone & Vaughn Orthodontics w Bellevue

Stany ZjednoczoneLeone & Vaughn Orthodontics



🕗 godziny otwarcia

10517, Main Street, 98004, Bellevue, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 425-450-1000
strona internetowej: www.landvortho.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.6099839, Longitude: -122.1999158

komentarze 5

  • Rylee Willis

    Rylee Willis


    I lost my retainer and I went in to get new a one. I saw Cristal today and she was very accommodating. She was able to create my retainer and finish it the same day so I don’t have to take time off from work to come back to the office. The office is awesome in general. Your money is worth here cuz they’re have the best service and accommodating.

  • Kyoko Morimura

    Kyoko Morimura


    Cristal, our main technician, was great! Really kind. She communicated to us (parents) what the treatment was going to be and how we could support our child between his appointments at every appointment. The doctors were great quickly building trust with us. The front desk staff was friendly and always willing to work with us when our schedule became really challenging. We are very happy that we came to Leone & Vaughn. :-)

  • Paul Weersma

    Paul Weersma


    My experience with Cristal was amazing, very professional and efficient. She was able to take my braces off much quicker than I had expected and without any pain whatsoever. I don't want braces again but if I did I know I'd be in good hands with Cristal.

  • darren winston

    darren winston


    Crystal was amazing. My son was a bit scared and had a cold but she did everything to make him feel comfortable. In the end, my son is happy he had his braces off and we start a new chapter in his life without them. Popcorn and gummies here we come!! Thank you Crystal!!

  • Ann Doan

    Ann Doan


    Leone & Vaughn Orthodontics won my heart and my smile! Their team is amazing at listening to my concerns and wishes and they willing to work with me on all of that. I love the results of my teeth! Crystal took a really good care of me through out my visit. Highly recommend this place. Also, they gave me a bottle of wine for complete my invisalign process 😊

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