Lehman Insurance w Yonkers

Stany ZjednoczoneLehman Insurance


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

280, South Broadway, 10705, Yonkers, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 800-339-6415
strona internetowej: ezratequote.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.92368, Longitude: -73.8953407

komentarze 5

  • Joseph Sanchez

    Joseph Sanchez


    Worst insurance in the business First of all the employee have sweatpants sweatshirt and a very disgusting attitude I just could of not believe it if I was not there my self Outrageous quote over 20K for just 1 year of commercial insurance Not including the broker fee The nasty representative didn’t even tell me we will call you or we would be in contact with you nothing not even at the least tells me to have a nice I’m still waiting on the Lehman insurance to reply to me or at the least call and tell sorry but we can’t help I never got a response wasted over 3 hours in Lehman insurance office and got nowhere I would never recommend this place to no one not even my enemy Look somewhere else don’t waste your time because mines was extremely wasted

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    Genesis Nova


    Sahira was so helpful with helping me out with my policy. I expressed my concerns and she explained everything and guided me to what should I do to get my problem resolved. Ms. Mercedes is very professional and has a great attitude, when I call she greets me very kindly and helps me out very fast. Thank you.

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    lenny verdica


    Great prices excellent staff highly recommended

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    I tried to stop getting emails about a insurance quote clicked on the link but they kept coming! Then I finally wrote an email and enough - you quoted me 4 times the price that I finally got from another company! Then an insulting email from them! THIS ISN'T THE WAY TO GET MY BUSINESS OR ANYONE'S!

  • Luis Garcia

    Luis Garcia


    this company is THE WORST most DISRESPECTFUL business I have EVER dealt with. The guy Andrew who works there is unprofessional insulting and not cult. he cursed me off the phone after failing to do his job to help me with a claim....... BEWARE. if I could give negative stars I would.

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