Legal Test Kitchen w Boston

Stany ZjednoczoneLegal Test Kitchen



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225, Northern Avenue, 02210, Boston, Suffolk County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 617-330-7430
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3485827, Longitude: -71.0390754

komentarze 5

  • en

    Rohit Gupta


    Great place with superb ambience, very creative drinks and Options.. food portions are also great and tastes superb. It’s a great place for sea food. Vegetarian options are limited but that’s understandable. The place is a bit cramped specially if you have a large group (20 People). Service is awesome and the staff made sure they took care of all our requirements and served well.

  • Angie Weinberger

    Angie Weinberger


    Very convenient location. Service was inconsistent but friendly. Food is above average. Good salads and very generous portions. Fun place.

  • Jon Murrell

    Jon Murrell


    Legal has a pretty fantastic looking menu. It was difficult to decide on what I wanted exactly so I stuck to a few classics: lobster roll and clam chowder. Taste was great, service was fast and knowledgeable. My only gripe is the cost. It was a little more than I wanted to spend, but considering the freshness of the seafood and the quality of the lobster meat in my roll, I can understand the higher ticket. The price issue isn't worth a 1 star demotion. The food was delicious and I would definitely return.

  • Wallflower Speaks

    Wallflower Speaks


    I have to say this has the best comfort food choices, as well as offering organic dishes. Stylish dining room with an upscale look, and a casual cozy feeling. Waiters are quick, food is brought very fast. Excellent time!

  • en

    Cole Watts


    Their menu is fantastic! I have been here several times and always impressed by their dishes. The clam chowder is a classic! I would recommend getting at least a cup of it along with your meal - you don't want to miss out! I've had the crab and shrimp etouffee which was very flavorful and had a generous amount of shrimp in it. The crab is tossed on top. The blackened raw tuna sashimi was very fresh and came with a small side of seaweed salad. There was not too much sauce on it, which I appreciated. Great flavor from the seasoning on the sides. Service was good and the waitresses are very attentive during the times I've visited. A popular place when there's conventions going on in the area - so lunch time it's usually full with people. Highly suggest trying this out if you're around seaport!

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