Left Bank Books i Seattle

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92, Pike Street, 98101, Seattle, King County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 206-622-0195
internet side: www.leftbankbooks.com
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Latitude: 47.6089115, Longitude: -122.3403584

kommentar 5

  • Edwin Planas

    Edwin Planas


    Good size book store in the main entrance the Pike Market area.

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    Dynah Bodvel


    Went in to find Khalil Gibran's The Prophet and when they didn't have it I watched them buy it off of Amazon. Doesn't seem very "left bank" to me.

  • North Texas Skyworks

    North Texas Skyworks


    The wife loves books and we visited as many as possible while in Seattle. This was by far her favorite. Great collection for a small store and the ambiance was really amazing.

  • Christy Hanson

    Christy Hanson


    Visited on Wed. Jan. 24, 2018 around noon. Positives: +Extremely easy to find at street level. + Had great PNW Native American books not found in major retailers. + Helpful, laid-back book team of three or four people. I inquired about a Native American shop and though they hadn't heard of it, they googled it on their computer. I credit them for trying! + LGBT+ friendly: and have a good selection of books in this genre. + Offered local lit mags, chapbooks. + Offered non-lit extras like button pins, quirky stickers, hand-assembled journals, calendars, stationery/postcards, bookworm tote bags. +FREE promos: I spent $100 and got a free tote bag of my choice. Negatives: - Cramped space - isn't a problem unless you are prone to flailing around or have energetic / mischievous small children. - High taxes - a given, if you shop in Seattle. - Irrelevant to bookstore, parking is close by, but it was $18 for 2 hours. Budget time & $$ wisely in adherence to your parking constraints - this part sucked.

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    Anna Wasewicz


    They told my bf he can't have a backpack in the bookstore and tried to take it from him, which is very rude. Also there were women wearing purses and people with messenger bags and the worker didn't harass them. I didn't appreciate the workers attitude or the way this bookstore treats some of their customers.

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