Lees Nail $Spa i New Windsor

Forenede StaterLees Nail $Spa



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375, Windsor Highway, 12553, New Windsor, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-565-7321
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Latitude: 41.4585699, Longitude: -74.0542465

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dionna Johnson


    I only give them two stars because the guy that sits on the back wall knows how to do nails the other guy don’t go to him. He messed my nails up and they told me to come back the next day to get them fixed so I did but oh now the owner is telling me he’s busy come back at 5 to get them fixed...it’s 12:51...I do not recommend at all

  • Annemarie McLean

    Annemarie McLean


    Kevin and Vy are the best!! Joey does the best pedicures ever! ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨

  • Rodney Williams

    Rodney Williams


    The service is suspect. You come in and they tell you your next, or have a little wait, but people come in after you and get taken care of first. WTH?

  • Victoria Weber

    Victoria Weber


    Prices are extremely fair, great job on my nails. The only complaint I have is the customer service sucked. They didn't speak to me at all other than asking what I wanted, didn't say thank you, really just bland. Honestly, I wouldn't go back based on that alone BUT I've been to do many salons in the area and either the job was extremely overpriced or came out terrible or both. I will go back only because of the price and quality.

  • Lisa Griffin

    Lisa Griffin


    I 💖 Lee's Nails. Great staff & they do wonderful work there!

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