Layalina Restaurant w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneLayalina Restaurant



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5216, Wilson Boulevard, 22205, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-525-1170
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Latitude: 38.877082, Longitude: -77.124739

komentarze 5

  • Val C.

    Val C.


    It’s a little sad to see so many good reviews when the food was not great. Only reason I’m giving two stars, it’sbecause of their service. Firstly, food wasn’t seasoned enough, the beef shawarmas were overcooked and had almost no seasoning whatsoever (not enough salt as well). The grill kabobs were also dry and hard to eat after it went cold. Also, we ordered the knafeh (which they said they ran out, then came back and said they actually had it) and it was one of the worst knafehs we have tried. The cheese was almost nonexistent, it smelled like old butter and it had a very carrot buttery taste. We couldn’t even finish it. Overall, a few items were decent such as the ozie shawarma and the lemonade with mint. Lastly, make sure to inspect carefully the check before putting your cards down, since it seems the restaurant menu has different prices than what they actually charge. The overall total didn’t add up to what we ordered base on their menu prices, don’t make the same mistake as us.

  • Ed Weaver

    Ed Weaver


    This was my 2nd time having their lamb and again it was amazing. The Mousakaa was rich and flavorful. I'm not a vegetarian but I can't wait to have this dish again. The staff were very friendly and welcoming. We'll be back!

  • Desa



    Great late dinner ! The staff is so nice and The place is very comfortable and very beautiful. The lemonade is basically a slushy of a virgin mojito, that's awesome!! We try the lamb kabob, it’s was really good and the price is very worth it.

  • Sura Rafeq

    Sura Rafeq


    So delicious.. Everything is perfect and tasty. Must to try a lamb shank.

  • Brouj “Bee” Zaghloul

    Brouj “Bee” Zaghloul


    WOW! AMAZING food, drinks, hookah, and service! tastes just like home🤍 It’s family owned and operated by the nicest most welcoming people. Highly recommend to anyone looking for a good Mediterranean meal ⭐️ We went there yesterday and today and will be going there for lunch again tomorrow before we end our trip😍

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