Lawton-Turso Funeral Home w Hoboken

Stany ZjednoczoneLawton-Turso Funeral Home



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Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
633, Washington Street, 07030, Hoboken, Hudson County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 201-659-1660
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7445028, Longitude: -74.0284734

komentarze 5

  • jay carreras

    jay carreras


    The most compassionate, professional, heart warming experience ever had at a time of such despair. My family and I had originally went with tradition in choosing where to celebrate my father's life. Upon meeting john and speaking within the first 20 minutes his warmth, his words, his energy and patience to have everything meticulously done in such a classy, elegant, and forever remembering way. He helped us break a old tradition just to start a new tradition with him going forward. Special thanks to Marty as well! Thank you all for everything! Words cannot Express.

  • en

    jennifer muir


    Wings of an angel . . . words, alone, can't express my family's heartfelt gratitude.

  • Richard Seickendick

    Richard Seickendick


    Just a all around great guy Mr John Lawton was and is to me and my family, He provided a great service in my families time of sorrow with the lost of our dad, provided such a great and professional service and comfort level from start to finish, his attention to detail and professional services was spot on. I would highly recommend him to all who are in need of these type of services in the lost of a loved one. Job well done Mr John Lawton Richard Seickendick

  • Pedro Canini

    Pedro Canini


    John, thank you very much for the wonderful service you provided our family. Our dad was a great man and his passing will leave a huge void in our lives. Thank you so much for the beautiful words and outstanding service and for all that you and your staff did for our family. We can't thank you enough for everything you have done for our family during this tragic moment. We cannot thank you enough for your sympathy and support. Words can't even describe our appreciation towards you and the entire LAWTON - TURSO FUNERAL HOME. The things you have done for our family did not go unnoticed. We will be forever grateful. The Canini – Lopez Family

  • en

    Suparman Widjaja


    During the darkest hours of my life, John and his team managed to alleviate some burdens so we could focus on grieving and spending time with my son's in the last few days before being buried. When we lost our son suddenly, the last thing you wanted to deal with was any additional headaches dealing with logistics. John and his team went out of their way to help us. They made sure our son was properly taken care of, as well as were all the dealings with various parties. They also helped us to inform the communities that our son was involved in. For the next few days, he helped us coordinate everything and being flexible to accommodate our wishes to view our son every day. He made it possible even though he was not there physically. He made extra effort to understand the challenges of our cultural background/practices. Never once throughout the process he brought up any topics related to payments and finances. While there's nothing that could take away our pains, I was glad to find John and his team. Our family really appreciate your help.

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