Lawn Love Lawn Care of Seattle w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneLawn Love Lawn Care of Seattle



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506, 2nd Avenue, 98104, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-466-4650
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 47.6019888, Longitude: -122.3317274

komentarze 5

  • Miranda Gomez

    Miranda Gomez


    Quick to respond to my quote request and had my appt scheduled within 3 days of requesting . I had downloaded two other similiar lawn care apps (Task Easy and Tru Lawn) but neither had even gotten me my quote by the time Love Lawn had someone out to my house (it was like a team of 3 guys!) within a week of my initial contact. George and his two workers were courteous (thank you for turning off the blower when i walked in and out of the house multiple times loading children into and out of the car and back in to the house!) I had indicated my grass was overgrown and handn't been cut at all since we had movd in (Nov) and it was now late April. we also have a dog who runs around treating the yard ilke his toilet so i did forewarn them that while I would in the future pick up all the dog poo, not only was it not feasible for me the first time, but I have a 9 month old baby and a 5 yo with severe develomental delays and epilepsy (non mobile/non verbal) requiring 100% of my time to give her the care she needs. I was THRILLEd to find there were landscaping applications available in the play store. I had searched on a whim, as I was absolutely desperate to find anyone to mow my lawn (good sized front , back and 2 sides) before my landlord saw and threw a fit. I couldn't even find a lawnmower to borrow. I like that there is an app that you can use to book and reschedule services on. One thing I would say that I like and others might not is I prefer messages and email to having to contact a real person or call any day, and Lawn love seems to favor online communication. The first appt they came the day they had said they would and did an amazing job on my entire yard. I liked that there was a team. Georgie recommended I schedule my next session for in a week instead of the 2 weeks I had planned because my grass was long and when its long like that you cant cut it super short the first time mowing or it all turns green. I went online and easily switched my next appt from 2 weeks out to 1. If I had to interact with the yard guys at all, I would be annoyed that they give you an appt "range," so May 6-8 was the next appt anytime from 8a-8p. The website also states they can get busy and be up to 24 hours delayed from the last quoted day, and the second time they came on the last day they had told me in my range. But because I don't have to communicate with them at all unless i want extra service while they're there or something, they have never knocked on the door or been disruptive, the whole online scheduling, commenting etc. works just fine for me. They are quick to reply (customer service) and every person I have "talked" (or emailed) with so far from the lawn pros to the customer service reps and schedulers has been polite, accomadating and genuinely seemed happy that I was happy, I will return to add some pics of my lawn since it was just done for the second time yesterday. I'll go back to every 2 weeks now for awhile, which is fine becasue my quote (and what i actually was charged) is only $38! Couldn't be more pleased with the services George and his team have donw on my lawn and the customer service back at the "office." Feel Free to contact me if you've got any specific (or random) questions about lawn lofevervices.

  • en

    Linda Parkinson


    They have rescheduled twice now. Will not use them or will not recommend them to friends,neighbors or family. Very poor customer service!!!

  • Katie Strelinger

    Katie Strelinger


    Easy to book, reliable, and the hard work shows. I will continue to use lawnlove for the extra work we need for our landscape and highly recommend.

  • Christopher Cappello

    Christopher Cappello


    Mark was very professional, an excellent communicator, went the extra mile, and knowledgeable. An excellent pro from Lawn Love.

  • Stephanie Sage

    Stephanie Sage


    I am very pleased with the service that lawn love offers. They offer a great price and quick and easy scheduling. I highly recommend requesting Sarah to do your service. She is a very hard worker, cares that your service turns out the way you want it to and she has a great attitude. I was really impressed with her knack for gardening, and her dedication to my yard. She didn't even complain when it started pouring down rain on her. I will definitely be using lawn love again when I need another yard service and I highly recommend them.

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