Law Offices of Alex Solomiany, P.A. i Miami

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterLaw Offices of Alex Solomiany, P.A.



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999 Brickell Avenue PH1102, Miami, FL 33131, USA
kontakter telefon: +1 305-373-1105
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Latitude: 25.763964, Longitude: -80.19062

kommentar 5

  • es

    Lizzette Herrera


    Mi familia y yo tuvimos una experiencia muy buena con el abogado Alex Solomiany realmente muy profesional y sincero, estamos agradecidos y felices porque él logró que mi esposo conservara los papeles... Lo recomendaría sin duda alguna.

  • en

    Thomas Perez


    This is my second time around coming to him. He saved my papers and being in this country ones, now trying to finish my citizenship. Do not go for cheap specially in the lawyer site. U get what u pay for. He will make sure to take all the worries away from you and he will be as transperent as possible with your situation. Highly recommend.

  • Eli E Halali

    Eli E Halali


    Alex and is office staff are very professional. I been working with Alex for many years he helped me and family members to make the immigration process easier.

  • en

    Linda Ibarra


    After reading all the reviews I came hopeful and expectant of a great turn. However, before I could even reach out to Alex Solomiany, I was deterred by the receptionist. I called several times and was hanged up 5 times. She was very reluctant to pass me to anyone in management including Dr.Solomiany. Apart from her defiance on the phone, and poor attitude, she spoke in a very rude tone and manner while other workers laughed in the background. Very unbecoming of other law firms I have been to. It is saddening to see such great reviews about Dr.Solomiany and not once be able to talk to him because of unprofessional employees. This is not good for business or for the clients. Do not let Dr.Alex lose good groundwork on account of employees who do not wish to live up to a professional standard deserving of him. I am very appalled and shocked to get this type of customer service. Receptionists are the transfer from clients to lawyers but if they are reluctant to do it then a lot of clients will miss out on the service Dr.Alex provides, and he won't be able to impact more of the people if they do not reflect him positively and professionally or even allow them to get near. I leave it to the rest to speak good about Dr.Solomiany, because I never got the chance to speak to him. Employees should strive to reflect a professional front for their employers, not dismantle the credit he has. This is one law firm in Miami I am sad to say does not hold the caliber of it's lawyer.

  • en

    gustavo torrez


    Awesome attorney, my family and I are thankful for his services. Very profesional and great person as his work team.

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