Law Office of Paul C. Agu i Las Vegas

Forenede StaterLaw Office of Paul C. Agu



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325, South 3rd Street, 89101, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 702-386-5009
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.1669594, Longitude: -115.1447537

kommentar 5

  • Metu Mintus

    Metu Mintus


    Glory be to God in the highest after 15years in U.S.A, I am a green card holder through, DR. P.C. Agu immigration office. First P.C. details my case until it pierce in to my brain then some kind of confidence over powered my fear. Previous lawyers scared the hell out of me saying that l will be deported for I already had deportation order. Thanks for the payment structure being so easy for me and KUDOS for a job well done. 5 ☆☆☆☆☆.

  • Ulanta Vegas

    Ulanta Vegas


    Thank you for the legal advice. Great staff and good legal perspective. Would recommend. Good immigration attorney. Helped me with court and Uscis.

  • en

    Rafaelow vnz


    Excellent service and an amazing team to offer it. I would recommend them to every person who is searching for an immigration office. They have helped me with my adjustment of status,on top of that, they also helped me with a very nice payment plan and they also communicate very good with the clients.I'm very happy with my choice.

  • en

    Cliff Bevans


    A+++ all around.. Returned all of my calls, helped me every step of the way. Forget about any other law offices in Las Vegas, Mr Agu and his staff will guide you through your entire case. Five star service. Don’t waste your time with the Rest this legal office is the Best. Love you Guys... Thanks again..

  • Karla l

    Karla l


    Mr. Paul AGU is knowledgeable, competent and capable of handling any type of immigration work professionally. Not only he is a warm and nice person, but he handles cases thoroughly with the help of his staff and the results are amazing. I will highly recommend him to anyone needing help with immigration matters. He is highly talented and a very good Immigration lawyer.

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