Law Office of Feras S. Rafee w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneLaw Office of Feras S. Rafee



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6824, Colonial Road, 11220, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-238-6300
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.637575, Longitude: -74.0313602

komentarze 5

  • en

    marwan laham


    Mr. Rafee has been handling my immigration matters for the past few years and has done an excellent job in terms of diligence and professionalism. I have successfully been able to bring four of my family members to the United States and it is all thanks to him!! Aside from legal matters, Mr. Rafee is a respectful and caring individual who truly cares about his clients. I definitely recommend him for all matters, not only immigration.

  • Alex Ereifej

    Alex Ereifej


    I hired the law office of Freas S. Rafee , to handle my residential real state purchase . Mr. Rafee worked on the matter diligently, and I really recommend him to others in handling such a matter . Thanks and I really appreciate it :)

  • en

    Nick Ceka


    I retained the Law office of Feras S. Rafee to handle my real estate and immigration matters. He has been successful on all of my matters. He has been a person of high integrity and honesty. I highly recommend him as an attorney in handling such matters.

  • Tarek Sadek

    Tarek Sadek


    Mr. Rafee is a great lawyer. Mr. Rafee handled my case from the beginning until I got my visa. He was reachable all the time. I would highly recommend him to anyone seeking an immigration help

  • en

    Al Y.


    Stay away - I do not recommend using this firm at all! They are nice guys, easy to talk to, and I believe they are honest and have good intentions. HOWEVER, all that does not mean they are good lawyers. I had a very important legal matter with my commercial landlord. I was looking at a possible eviction for non-payment. I retained Feras Raffee and was expecting him to handle my case. Instead, he passed me onto Kim Zinke, Esq. (His Of-Counsel). I first I didn't mind because Kim was a nice guy. That was the biggest mistake of my life! To make a long story short, I had proof that I paid the rent and was current. That proof was included in my affidavit that Kim helped me to sign. We had a solid defense and should have gotten the case thrown out. Instead, on the day of trial, Kim starts talking to me about making a settlement, and signing some sort of stipulation. He recommended it, I did not know any better and two months later, I was evicted. I lost my business and almost half of the assets in the 4,000 sq. ft. shop. That's my experience with this law firm. The business I worked in for 3 years was essentially ruined because of them. Also, I probably lost about $50,000 dollars worth of equipment, material, trucks, etc... This really put me in a pickle because all of a sudden I had no source of income. My finances crumbled shortly thereafter and I was even looking into filing Bankrupcy. After all that, I'm still grateful. I guess it could have been worse... I could have needed them to defend me on a felony charge where their incompetence would have gotten me arrested. I hate to give negative reviews, because I had a small business once and know what it is like. But Kim was way too naive and a total pushover when going up against the landlord's attorney. Again, I think he's a nice guy, but that's the problem - you can't have a "nice guy lawyer". He was way out of his league. And Feras was too busy with whatever he was doing, that's why he passed me over to Kim. My advice - NEVER sign any stipulation in court - EVER. I now consider that to be the easy way out for the attorney hired by any defendant. If they tell you to sign a stipulation, it's because they are too lazy, don't care, or unqualified. A judge will ALMOST ALWAYS be more leanient than the attorney of the guy suing you. Yet these dumb defense attorneys con us into a stipulation drafted by the plaintiff attorney. I'd rather take my chances with a judge, which by the way if you cannot meet the judge's timelines, then you can ask for more time BUT in a stipulation, its 1 STRIKE and YOU're OUT!

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