Lavish Hair Studio en Jersey City

Estados UnidosLavish Hair Studio



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346, 2nd Street, 07302, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-420-7173
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7230462, Longitude: -74.0485621

comentarios 5

  • nicole koutoufaris

    nicole koutoufaris


    I waited four weeks to write this review. Was hoping in that time to find some resolve over the situation, or at the very least was hoping to feel less pissed off, but no such luck so HERE GOES. I called to make an appt-explained I needed to get a highlight to blend my roots and to brighten up overall as my go-to stylist in the city kept making me darker. I asked did they have a stylist who specializes in blonde hair. The guy told me all the stylists were color masters, don't worry, just bring a pic of what I wanted. They ended up having to cancel my appt (bummer but no problem) and when I rescheduled I AGAIN said I need a stylist great with blondes, again he said no problem. I also told him during both convos that I'm a nursing mom and I really couldn't be there more than 4 hrs (my usual stylist takes 2.5 so I was padding it) and he said he'd let the stylist know. I arrived at 10am. The stylist was slow to start and kept stepping out to get on the phone. I showed him pics of bright, dimensional blonde hair. I told him I do not like warm, reddish tones at all. He said he understood what I wanted, easy, no issue. Now I'm going to speed this story up and cut to the chase. The appointment took 8 FULL HOURS. EIGHT. And here is what happened in those 8 hours: 1) Highlighted Hair. 2) Dyed hair brown over the highlight and somehow turned my roots bright red. 3) Tried to tell me it was not brown and red. 4) Re-bleached 4 sections of my hair to add in some blonde but placed all of these patches 2 inches away from the root. Also left them all in the same amount of time so the bottom patch is white, the side patches are yellow, and the top patch did not lift at all. 5) Put in some kind of neutralizer to 'take out the red' but didn't put it all over my hair, so it actually made the red even more patchy. 6) Completely and totally destroyed the quality of my once beautiful and healthy hair. One month later I have brown hair to my ears with red patches at the root and 3 blonde chunks. Two next to my ears which are yellow, and one at the nape of my neck which is white. My hair is so damaged that I cannot run my fingers through it without having chunks break off. I can't wear it up because the color is so patchy and uneven that it's actually just embarrassing. I also can't put heat to it because it just snaps. I have spent over $150 on deep conditioning treatments and products and nothing has helped. In 8 hours he somehow made my blonde hair darker, layered in about 10 different tones to it, and destroyed the quality permanently. I am PISSED. No nice way to say it, I am absolutely horrified by what this person did to my hair. This salon needs to be SHUT DOWN ASAP. Use this as a warning, they are unprofessional, do not have on site management to handle situations such as this one, and above all else-they lie. This guy was not a blonde specialist, this guy was an amateur who had absolutely no idea what he was doing, and he tested his skills out on me at the expense of my time and my hair. The only positive is the owner did acknowledge how TERRIBLE the dye job was and refunded my money, but honestly that doesn't ease my anger here. I didn't want a (very very ugly) free dye job that cost 8 hours of my life and ruined the quality of my hair. I would have gladly spent twice the cost to walk away with the hair I wanted. And as I said, I've already spent the cost of a highlight on conditioning treatments-I still have to pay for another stylist to now correct my color which is going to be a fortune. In short-Run far away from this place. TERRIBLE. Disgraceful, and lacking any integrity whatsoever. Lavish, you F'd with the WRONG person. I was nice, gave you a shot to fix your mistake, and you just made it worse.

  • en

    Angela Hayes


    Can I get more star this place is like home they do great work on your hair.

  • en

    Irene Vogaizithakis


    Got my first fantasy color here. So happy I chose this place. Both Minx and Arian worked on my Blue hair and it turned out amazing ! I feel like a mermaid .

  • Wanda Little

    Wanda Little


    Great Customer Service ! My hair looks amazing feels great. Owner is just efficient, detailed, his main focus is customer service. Great Place

  • Jacinda Velazquez

    Jacinda Velazquez


    In my Opinion, this is the best salon in Jersey City ! I won’t let anyone touch or style my hair anywhere else because they do such a great job and set the standard high. Truth is before going to lavish I was so scared cutting or doing anything new but they brought me out my element & it’s great. It’s not a boring scene music is great, the staff talks to you and makes you feel welcomed, the salon has good vibes! I won’t recommend just one stylist each one of the stylist/hair professionals at Lavish are truly amazing.

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