Lavender Fields w Port Jefferson

Stany ZjednoczoneLavender Fields



🕗 godziny otwarcia

318, Wynn Lane, 11777, Port Jefferson, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-474-5461
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.94449, Longitude: -73.0682221

komentarze 5

  • en

    S G


    Outstanding customer service via their online shop. The proprietor, Lori, was incredibly helpful in providing me additional information on a furniture item I was interested in. She went as far as to contact the manufacturer and have them provide me several detailed photos of the item. And this all took just a few hours. Fantastic!

  • Chris F

    Chris F


    Great shop. Nice staff. Great products! Must see while in Port Jeff!

  • en



    Super helpful staff! I love bringing out of town visitors and sending them home with a lavender bunch from here . They are great for fresh smelling cars and closets.

  • Maddy C

    Maddy C


    Time after time I am always impressed with how helpful and timely Lavender Fields is. I had a question and the owner herself reached directly out to me. I can't wait to continue using Lavender Fields their prices are perfect as well as their customer service.

  • en

    Amy Zeek


    Unfortunately this customer is refusing to pay for a delivery that took over two and a half hours in drive time. Claimed damage to piece. My company did not damage the piece, however, We offered to repair. Still, Lori will notI return calls or answer emails. Just does not want to pay, that is the bottom line. It is really unprofessional when a small company will not honor the agreement to another small company. I have offered to repair, offered a discount on the bill. The table had three small smudges on the legs. A very easy fix.

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