Laurel Kia w Laurel

Stany ZjednoczoneLaurel Kia



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14921, Baltimore Avenue, 20707, Laurel, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-604-1339
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.0950072, Longitude: -76.8523827

komentarze 5

  • Lloyd Jennings

    Lloyd Jennings


    They just want to run credit applications and tell you that they want more money down.

  • Lynda Spruill

    Lynda Spruill


    Definitely the best experience I ever had while buying a car. My salesman Darrel was helpful in getting me what I needed/wanted with in my budget with no pressure at all! Excellent customer service throughout the process from everyone and I LOVE my new Sedonda! :)

  • Dayisha Johnson

    Dayisha Johnson


    Great service as always. The staff is very friendly. I just love the complimentary car wash offered at this location.

  • Mercedes Teasley

    Mercedes Teasley


    The Laurel Kia Service department has been a complete disappointment and now can be considered untrustworthy. Prior to the current issue, I took note that not only are they overpriced and show no loyalty appreciation but the employees in this department feel that their actions can go unchecked. I purchased a used vehicle from Laurel Kia in 2016 and it happen to be a manual but I got such a good deal that I decided to go with it amongst other options because I was looking to save money towards a home and the vehicle was one of the best options. Immediately, I had issues with the clutch, which they fixed with no problem so I thought I'd be in good hands moving forward. I soon noted that the service department operates much differently than the sales departments as they unapologetically provide no specials, coupons, discounts or packages for service updates or general maintenance. Most recently, I learned that -- without prior disclosure from the sales team when deciding between my initial vehicle options -- a clutch repair is considered normal wear and tear and is not covered under warranty. I dropped off my vehicle the evening of Monday, March 12 to have it diagnosed by the service center, was told the extent of the repairs that Tuesday and arrived Wednesday afternoon to pick up my car after finding another mechanic to do the work at a fraction of the cost. When I arrived to pick up my car, Jeremy, the service manager took 15 minutes to bring my car from the back of the building to the front because he said he had to jump off the car. He offered to keep the car a bit longer to recharge the battery and I authorized that. My battery is now dead simply from sitting overnight and the service center not only does not want to replace it but they also refuse to take responsibility for the issue. This is not how you provide customer service based on loyalty & retention -- when something goes wrong in your care, then you resolve the issue. The lack of accountability entices me to return my vehicle Resolution Since I went in with a completely functional battery, I expect for my battery to be replaced. The lack of transparency makes it difficult to continue to do business with this company and induces a feeling of mistrust that was once only relegated to those unknown dealerships without a company brand and history backing them. Laurel Kia should contact me directly to resolve this issue asap. UPDATE 4/11/2018 After taking my KIA to Herson's KIA in Rockville, who operates much more transparently, professionally AND at lower costs, turns out the Air Map Sensor is what caused the issue with starting my car and the batteries. Had it not been for the negligence, laziness and ineptness of the service staff at Laurel KIA, they would've found this issue when Jeremy requested to keep the vehicle for a longer duration to locate the issue. After spending over $500 in diagnosis fees, batteries and tows -- and enduring weeks of emotional distress, physical stress, sleepless nights and missing work -- I have finally found a capable, transparent and seemingly trustworthy KIA dealership to PROPERLY diagnose and resolve my problem car issues. Not to mention they were able to quick-orders my parts and repair the worn clutch in just 3 business days (at a fraction of the cost). Laurel KIA will hear from my lawyer.

  • Adam Colliton

    Adam Colliton


    I found a van I was interested in on the web at this dealership. A salesman named Pierce was in contact with me consistently by email and had the van ready to go for a test drive when I arrived there. It didn't end up being the right vehicle for me, but I would definitely go back here.

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