Lather Lounge Salon i Ramsey

Forenede StaterLather Lounge Salon



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1300, New Jersey 17, 07446, Ramsey, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-962-3136
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.072459, Longitude: -74.138087

kommentar 5

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    MarkGoldberg Brooklyn


    Good bare bones haircut if your looking for a no frills haircut.

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    Great Place! Staff is super friendly and polite, they provided a great service. I am very happy I found Lather Lounge Salon! Tracy is such a fantastic stylist - super talented professional and magically deliver the haircut that makes me feel confident and great about myself. Thank you so much:)

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    Roniann Jansen


    I got highlights with Jessica last week ,she did an amazing job! I have been compliments all week.I will be going back!!

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    Robert Cook


    What a great place to get a haircut! I have been coming here for about 4 years now and absolutely love the place, staff and quality of work. The owner is one of the nicest and down to earth people you will ever meet. Great attention to detail and always listens when I want to change things up. I highly recommend them! Keep up the good work!

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    Alex Griffith


    I love getting my hair cut here. The service is friendly and quick. My hair always looks and feels great afterwards.

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