w Las Vegas




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3025, East Post Road, 89120, Las Vegas, Clark County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 702-388-7774
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.07508, Longitude: -115.108847

komentarze 5

  • Richard Suertudo

    Richard Suertudo


    Great customer service! While it's difficult to make large purchases online without first looking at the product, the Las Vegas Furniture Online made the process to go smooth and exceeded our expectations. Delivery was timely and assemblers were very professional.

  • en



    Wonderful experience no pressure, will certainly buy from there in the future.

  • en

    Jackie Pucci


    Asked online if they had anything available for around $100.00 range and they were rude and said no and that was it. This was my personal experience, horrible customer service- will never spend my hard working money here . Plenty other furniture stores with great customer service willing to help you . :)

  • en

    Jennifer Eck


    My name is larry and i want you to know that Merelin was the sweetest young lady the other day.She was willing to work with me on getting some stuff. Anybody that need some furnture go see Merelin,she will do her best in helping you. Larry

  • en

    Paula C


    I purchased a home in Las Vegas in 2013 while living outside of the US. I was planning a two-week trip to Las Vegas to furnish the house, so I needed to purchase as much as possible in advance, and also arrange for delivery once I arrived. I honestly cannot say enough good things about Adam and his service. We spent hours on the phone working on each room, trying to figure out what was in stock and could be delivered in the short time frame available. When the delivery day finally arrived, I was in Las Vegas to accept the delivery. The two delivery/assembly guys were just wonderful. Everything arrived in great condition and there were no problems at all. The quality of the furniture was really surprisingly good considering the economical cost. I only sent back one set of coffee tables because the wood finish wasn't as described. Adam helped me order a replacement of another set. It was a big project - four bedrooms and three living areas - and the home will be rented some of the time, so the needs I had were specific and I was ELATED to only have to deal with one company and one person (Adam) for nearly all the furniture. It is a little scary to order items online - sight unseen! - but Adam was able to steer me in the right direction in terms of quality and durability. Follow up: Now, almost 2 years later, the furniture is in great shape and has held up miraculously through many families who have rented my home as a vacation rental. I have just purchased another home in Las Vegas and have turned to Adam to do it all over again! I'm looking forward to seeing the new items I've ordered!

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