Lapomas Parkside Motors Inc Valley i Valley Stream

Forenede StaterLapomas Parkside Motors Inc Valley



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850, North Corona Avenue, 11580, Valley Stream, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-561-3434
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.6864332, Longitude: -73.6821525

kommentar 5

  • Anthony Botta

    Anthony Botta


    Nice place for gas

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    Sal DeLuca


    Work is good but be careful with what you're told needs repair. May be unnecessary. Go at your own risk.

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    Andrew G


    Went there with good wipers for inspection but magically one turned to be broken, go figure! Stay away

  • Maurice Merritt

    Maurice Merritt


    I brought my vehicle in for the 40,000 mile service. they told me that the vehicles nowadays don't have tune ups. They told me that I needed my oil filter change oil changed and a couple of other things for the 40,000 mile service. Shortly after I receive my vehicle the low pressure oil light came on. I then took my vehicle to volkswagen only to find out that they used an aftermarket oil filter for my vehicle. After spending almost $600 for the 40,000 mile service I have to spend an additional $100 to have the oil filter replaced with the stock OEM filter and the oil changed once again..... STAY AWAY FROM HERE !!!! They short you to make more money.

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    gall ano


    Make sure that your feathers on the wipers are ok or it will cost you extra bucks. If possible watch the inspection process

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