Lane Bryant w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneLane Bryant



🕗 godziny otwarcia

8340, East 49th Avenue, 80238, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-209-0227
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7835589, Longitude: -104.8914373

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kimberly Rytter


    Great staff 😃

  • Nina Quinones

    Nina Quinones


    I was just in this store for 5 minutes. Clearly looking for something in bra section and no one came up to ask if I needed any help. Every time I come to this store I have a bad experience. Never going back.

  • en

    Nadine Eschmann


    This store sucks. I went to the store to pick up my online order last night and got told they have nothing. I went home and tracked the order and voila - delivered to the store already last week. When I called in this morning they lied to me and said the order just came in..come on. They offered me a 20% coupon. lol..I get better deals online. Last time shopping at LB. Go to Torrid. Way better customer service and deals. breathe..

  • en



    Meh, I've been to better locations. The staff here could be more friendly

  • Niquete Dominique

    Niquete Dominique


    Ordered a swimming suit online, the first top that came didn't fit so I ordered a larger size, I went on my vacation and cam back to return the other smaller top in store. I didn't bring my receipt but I had charged it on my Lane Bryant card. Any other department store would be able to look up my order without hesitation, but for some reason the sales associate told me she couldn't. She made it seem like I had stolen the item. This is the first time I've ever had a problem returning anything. I'll make sure to visit the Lane Bryant on Havana next time, always get great service there.

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