Lane Bryant w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneLane Bryant



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222 224, West 125th Street, 10027, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-548-6168
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8089668, Longitude: -73.9494456

komentarze 5

  • Solo Flyer

    Solo Flyer


    Between the prices and some attitude from this particular location; I have not shopped at Lane Bryant in 3 years. The clothing and lingerie (panties & bras) are exuberantly expensive: I don't want to hear oh well you are plus size that more money for extra fabric argument. That is pure b.s., the market for "plus size" clothing is wide open now. I shop at brick & mortar stores like Macy's (34th St)(brands like Calvin Klein, Seven Jeans, Alfani, Ralph Lauren, etc.) and those clothes go on clearance ($10 for a Calvin Klein sweater) after the season. & Old Navy. Plus there are plenty of online retailers like ASOS Curve, Universal Standard, Simply Be, etc. , etc. to get the clothes you need without draining your bank account to do it. It appears that LB are disregarding their customers commentary when they speak on modifying their clothing price points as well as updating their fashion senses. To be honest I have been meaning to drag myself into this store for new bras but I will just get them online because they seem to rarely carry my size in store.

  • Ali Law

    Ali Law


    The floor staff employee was very pleasant and helpful. The selection is pretty good but there were very few smaller sizes. The counter staff was able to quickly check inventory and get my size from the back. The cashier did not properly scan my member coupon and casually threw it in the bin.

  • en

    Hazel Mayorga


    Thank you store #6410 for such wonderful customer service. I was extremely impressed by Rafaelina, she was extremely helpful and courteous in guiding me to find such great tops for my mom. My mother is so happy with everything. I would highly recommend this store

  • Gabe Rosado

    Gabe Rosado


    Thank you Store #6410 at 125th street for their friendly staff who helped me select pretty clothes for my mother-in-law birthday. Thank you Rafaelina. Mother-in-law was happy and wifey was shocked as well. Alot of cool points. Thank you again.

  • christina conners

    christina conners


    I used to be a fan of Lane Bryant but you will do much better at Romantic Depot on 139th and Broadway. While my friend and I recently shopped we felt like old ladies, The lingerie is a bit dated, a bit overpriced and the customer service is not there for you when you have questions like they used to be. I am not putting lane Bryant down but please guys get a little more modern and update some of your lines. We are big ladies but we also need to feel sexy too. I will still come by for my favorite specific bread and butter leggings but after shopping at the new sexy lingerie store on Broadway I will be doing more of my shopping their due to pleasing my boo. He likes when I where sexy fishnets, bodystockings and crotchless panties. Plus its a lot of fun up there and only 10 minutes away.

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