Lady of America w White Plains

Stany ZjednoczoneLady of America


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

200, Hamilton Avenue, 10601, White Plains, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-448-2639
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.033948, Longitude: -73.769941

komentarze 5

  • en



    I love that the gym is only for women. They have really great classes. Their instructor Joan is one of the best.

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    Kavitha Pand


    CHEATS! Dont waste your time and money... Find another gym rather than wasting your time and money here... If I can, would have given 0 stars

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    raja shekar


    CHEATS!!!!!!!! NEVER EVER GO THERE!! THEY JUST LOOT YOUR MONEY! When my wife was 8 months pregnant, we had to give a letter from my wife's OBGYN to prove that my wife was indeed pregnant so that LOA can Freeze her membership until her delivery. Post delivery for some personal reasons my wife had to leave the country. I called them like 5-6 times & emailed twice requesting for my wife's membership cancellation - the girls who attend the call at reception kept saying they will talk to their manager and will return my call. I dont know if they every spoke to their manager. Finally I decided to go the gym in person. Now, they asked me to send a registered mail as a proof that a request was sent and it was received at the gym. I couldnt believe what I was hearing, what more proof do they need when I was standing right infront of them asking to cancel the membership??? Even if I send a registered mail, its a 30 days notice period and only after serving the notice period the membership will be cancelled itseems. I dont understand, when I showup directly at the gym at the time of joining, they didnt ask for any registered mail, but when I want to cancel they need proof. These guys are CHEATS. DONT WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY HERE! Spend some more time and find a better gym. Joining this gym is not worth it.

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    Sha Lyn


    This gym is over 20 years old and looks like it. Not one of their about 15-20 exercise machines are updated. No AC. Upon signing up i was told cchildcare was provided everyday only to find out their childcare is only provided between 5:30 & 8:30. Since i thought it was provided all day i came in with my daughter and was told she would be watch and low and behold as im lifting weights my daught is hiding easter eggs behind the treadmills. And lets not even get started with their one person in a small room filled with germ ridden toys ... it is horrible. I called to cancel my membership and they have been avoiding my calls. Spresa seems to never be available now and Bridget the director or whater her title is has failed to return my calls. Their childcare provider is under paid and I've heard that they also stiff their trainers for their money as well. Go else where! With all the options and competition in White Plains, Lady of America is NOT worth it !

  • en

    Dan theman


    Good variety of classes and TRX area. 12:30 midday kettlebell is amazing. Great moves to good beats. Friendly staff convenient location with decent parking.

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