LabCorp w Lindenhurst

Stany ZjednoczoneLabCorp



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656, Wellwood Avenue, 11757, Lindenhurst, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-225-1868
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.702643, Longitude: -73.384037

komentarze 5

  • en

    Luis Ramos


    Absolutely horrendous! Waited an hour to simply have the receptionist call my name to take my insurance information then another hour went by without my name being called. In case you were wondering, there were only four patients at the time. everyone was upset about the time problem. on top of that, extremely rude people at the reception and nurse. I left without the blood being drawn. I just hope they don't charge me.

  • Anita Giacomazza

    Anita Giacomazza


    I read the reviews and I really didn’t want to go here. To my surprise everyone was nice and I was in and out of there.

  • en

    Danielle Lewis


    This place is absolutely horrible. The nurses are very rude. I came here twice in 1 week and they are always at lunch and act like they are so busy to even answer a question. Then I came back the following week at 12:30(when they're lunch is supposed to over) and one of the nurses closed the door right in my face while I was talking and said that they was still on lunch. Like come on ladies you have to treat people better than how they treat people. All of these bad reviews and nothing has been done. This place is horrible! If you can find another location please go and save yourself from coming to the lindenhurst location.

  • en

    Rebecca Charrette


    Horrible experience I came for a 3 hour blood test and am 37weeks pregnant , the lady is rude and mind you the only one in the office doing blood work, very unprofessional and I sat for an hour before even asking how long until they call me or start something. I was uncomfortable & fasting from the night before so starving! She rudely told me there are people ahead of me I should have made an appointment when I was there when the doors opened. Never again!

  • en

    Windsor Markz


    I just had a ton of blood drawn by Amanda - and it was one of the bet experiences I've ever had - she treated me with such warmth and kindness - exemplifying the mission, vision and values of LabCorp as posted on their waiting room wall. I'm so grateful for Amanda - who turned something I didn't look forward to into one of the highlites of my day :) thank you Amanda!!

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