LabCorp w Aurora

Stany ZjednoczoneLabCorp



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1550, South Potomac Street, 80012, Aurora, Arapahoe County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-369-9821
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.6889276, Longitude: -104.8304334

komentarze 5

  • Ashlee Yanke

    Ashlee Yanke


    Never ever have I had my blood taken so quickly! I am astonished! Quick in and out. Nice people.

  • en

    Doni Marselies


    I made an appointment at 9.45 on a Saturday and I came 9.30, hand over my paperwork, and after they took my blood I was out around 9.47. People are nice. So many walk-in patient (I assume patient) and super busy. The process of taking my blood was FAST. So I recommend to make an appointment and don't be late.

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    Brittany Harris


    Was there 5 minutes or so before 9am, when doors opened there were like 5 of us there, checked everyone in then called people back to do test. I really haven’t had to take drug test a lot though out my life so I don’t really know what to expect. When it was my turn the first room we went into had a chair so I said, “ r you drawing my blood?” I’m terrified of needles but thank god he said “no I’m just using this room to prepare everything n you will use the restroom” that was a relief and I was in and out of there in 15-20 minutes total! Earlier the better I would say!

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    Hawaii 4ME2


    I have been to this location several times and it has always been a pleasant experience, fast, efficient and courteous. I'm reading the negative reviews about the customer service, I however have never experienced any rude staff members here, with that said, something I have noticed about Denver since I'm relatively new here, people just are not as friendly versus southern hospitality. I'm kind to the staff and they are kind back. If you address someone in a negative tone, chances are, you're going to get a negative tone back, usually 10 fold.

  • en

    stephanie jordan


    I came to the 1550 S. Potomac office to have some labs drawn. I was unaware that I needed my insurance card for each lab draw. The receptionist Joanne very rudely snapped at me when I questioned if they had my insurance card on file because I had forgotten it. She told me to leave the office and that she was not going to process my labs. When I addressed her rudeness to me and requested her to please politely explain to me she yelled at me. I do not recommend using the office. And I will be calling the corporate office and the Better Business Bureau to make sure that Joanne does not treat any other patients like this. I am a medical professional myself and I am a shamed that Joanne works in this field.

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