La Rosa Del Monte Worldwide Movers w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneLa Rosa Del Monte Worldwide Movers



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1133-35, Tiffany Street, 10459, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-991-3300
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8268752, Longitude: -73.8953432

komentarze 5

  • es

    Carmen Orta


    Muy buen servicio

  • es

    Rosalba Jimenez


    Muy mala experiencia, las cajas decian fragil y no tuvieron cuidado con nada, todas las cajas explotadas y revisadas. Son unos ladrones me robaron, me dañaron muebles, ellos te dicen que todo va a llegar bien y te distraen envolviendo todo bien supuestamente y despues te revisan todo. Muy mal servicio y cuando llamas para quejarte te dicen que te van a comunicar con el manager y solo te co ntesta una operadora.....ladrones estupidos sin conocer el sacrificio de la gente para conseguir lo que tiene y te cobran carisimo para dañarte tus cosas y robarte 😠😠😠😡😡😡😡

  • Christian Abreu

    Christian Abreu


    They picked up my things in NJ about 5 weeks ago. Yesterday I was told that only last week my things started moving down towards their distribution center in Florida. They told me I need to wait 3 more weeks for my things. I live now in South Texas but I don’t think anyone has to wait 8 weeks for their belongings to arrive even if you are moving from one end of the country to the other. Completely outrageous.. best part is they don’t care at all. They lie to you or simply the person who is in charge doesn’t pick up or is not at the office. Stay away from this company.

  • en

    Alex Rios


    I wound not use this company. The fist time I used them, moving to puerto rico my boxes were stained with oil and had to throw away a lot of clothing I had inside of them. I was only reimbursed the minimum. If you are shipping a car or boxes, make sure you insure for an adequate amount. I had a friend who shipped with them and his car was completely damaged and the company would only respond for a part of the value of the car. I made the mistake of using them again when moving out of Puerto rico . My boxes arrived a month later. I received a call saying that my boxes had arrived and that if I didn't pick them up I would have storage fees. I showed up the next day to their office and was charged $25 dollars. I played the recording back to the lady. Its not the same saying "your boxes are here for pick up , give us a call back when you get a chance , you have 5 days to pick them up or you will be charged a storage fee" instead of saying "if you don't call back today you will be charged a fee. Poor communication and I will never use them again.

  • yadsuel barada

    yadsuel barada


    This is by far the worst company to use when you are moving. They are Liars and try to take more money from you after you paid them off... My parents use this company when they were moving from New York To Florida. They Sent there entire stuff 2 weeks before the actually left and this company guarantee they were going to receive there stuff in 15 days. After 3 weeks of my parents being in Florida they still did not receive anything, when we called the Bronx location they gave attitude and they confirm that they never shipped there stuff. After my parents being in Florida almost 2 months they finally received a call stating that it made it to Florida and if they wanted there stuff they had to pay $200 (mind you my dad paid everything off and has a receipt that said paid in full). They are a rip off I would not recommend them to no one. The worst customers service. It sucks you can not give them a Zero because that is what they deserve... DO NOT USE THEM THEY ARE THE WORST........

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