La Hacienda Restaurant i Houston

Forenede StaterLa Hacienda Restaurant



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1431, West 26th Street, 77008, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 832-564-1920
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Latitude: 29.8102323, Longitude: -95.425623

kommentar 5

  • Kevin Thompson

    Kevin Thompson


    Really like this place. The character and atmosphere are great. Interior decor is crazy cool and love the tall ceiling and open main dining room. Service was excellent. Wait staff was frequent and we were not tied to one server. The food was really good except for one dish. The shredded chicken was extremely salty to the point it was not good. I ordered the fajita chicken with my dish and it was good. Party of 10 and good food overall. I recommend but avoid shredded chicken unless you want salt as dominant flavor.

  • Linda Robinson

    Linda Robinson


    Very lovely place. Food and service are outstanding. One of my favorite lunch spots.

  • Blue Wednesday

    Blue Wednesday


    Waiters very attentive. No wait at all. Family friendly. Clean and inviting. Food Great.

  • en

    M .Chase


    Great Atmosphere, great Servers, great Food. This has become our Go-To for Mexican food here in town... Great Margaritas too...

  • Completely Ordinary

    Completely Ordinary


    I love the decoration they put in the restaurant, you can tell that they put work and effort into making the restaurant the way it was, the food is amazing and I would recommend going with a group or family. The place feels lively and it plays a good soundtrack to keep a good mood. Definitely one of my favorite places to go 😊

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