La Frontera i Phoenix

Forenede StaterLa Frontera



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3501, West Lincoln Street, 85009, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 623-326-6808
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Latitude: 33.4421928, Longitude: -112.1350679

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hector Gonzalez


    One of the best carne asada street tacos in West Phoenix. Made with homemade corn tortillas. Highly recommend!

  • en

    Angelice Martinez


    We literally go here 2 to 3 times a week. We have been going for about 6 years. It's affordable real Mexican food. A taco truck we love! ❤ All the food is always fresh and fast service.

  • The Fat Theist

    The Fat Theist


    Alright, first understand that I have been trying taco places for a long time. I am looking for that perfect place. This isn't perfect but it is very close. $2 a taco for small tacos is a little too much. That is the only problem. Everything else is great. Service is fast! Taste is flat out amazing! Atmosphere is... Anyway, if you like tacos this is the place for you.

  • en

    Joe Cool


    This is a nice little lunch spot. It is a food truck with an awning type structure. The food is good. Only tacos and burritos. The service is quick the food is good but the parking is terrible. It's great if you are in the area but not worth a trip.

  • Julia Sanchez

    Julia Sanchez


    Good tacos! Handmade tortillas. Betty reasonably priced. Downfall, tables are not very clean.

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