La Flor De Calabaza w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneLa Flor De Calabaza



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705, North 1st Street, 85004, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 602-730-8533
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4559123, Longitude: -112.072251

komentarze 5

  • Beau Newton

    Beau Newton


    Great service and friendly staff. The DJ was switching songs really fast, which made it hard to dance. But that's just me...who has no rhythm in general.

  • en

    Maria Rios


    If I could give a negative 1 review I would. I came here today for mother's day because my mom wanted to. Lets start here, the food sucked and had no flavor, the "salsa" that comes with the fajitas tastes like tomatoes, they only give you 2 tortillas for the fajitas plate which is $17.50, the coke I ordered was so flat just tasted so watered down, the service was awful we waited 30 minutes for our food when it wasnt that packed to begin with, and they forgot the pancakes my mom ordered, our waitresses kept leaving us hanging and only coming out when they realized they forgot us. Never coming back here again. It's overpriced for the terrible service and tasteless food.

  • Humberto Ramos

    Humberto Ramos


    This is by far one of the worst restaurant services that I have had. There’s a disorganization in th whole kitchen, my party and I have been waiting over 3 hours now for our food, and the worst of all is the appetizers have t even come in either. They have been giving us one plate of food per hour. People have been coming in and out with their plates and we just keep being forgotten. I hope this restaurant reorganizes their standards in the quality of service that they provide.

  • en

    David Gidney


    My wife and I went downtown for the1st Friday we decided to get something to eat here for the first time. The atmosphere was relaxing with pleasant music. When ordering the waitress was polite and helpful. Our order didn't take long and the food was excellent at reasonable prices. I would recommend when going downtown to check it out here

  • en

    Cathy Chiang


    so honestly I thought the food was average, the music was great but the service was SLOW. It was so slow that it became a joke at our table. it was almost as if the kitchen staff did not show up until after the restaurant opened. i would be willing to give it one more try because i thought the food was good. If you go here on a Sunday be PATIENT!

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