La Carreta De Lily en Phoenix

Estados UnidosLa Carreta De Lily



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2902, W Van Buren St, 85009, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 602-442-2050
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.452156, Longitude: -112.122175

comentarios 5

  • en

    Eddie Sanchez


    Walked in there to a bunch of giggling kids on their cell phones. They should spend their time practicing better customer service. Niños fresas.. 🍓🍓🍓

  • Maria Alvarado

    Maria Alvarado


    Best elotes in phx. I love the corn and all of the drinks here. Beware of the long lines.

  • en

    luis angel vallejo nava


    Pretty good but kinda of slow and a lot of people all the time

  • en

    Mimi P


    I loved this place . I had been coming here for 10+ years . The food was great and the service was always awesome , but this past few months the service has been horrible . All the kids working here are playing around, they don't even take you seriously. Yesterday, as the girl in the cash register took my order , she was also playing around with one of the prep workers and they both started to yell at each other. She practically forgot about me . My food was ok . My order was wrong though. Honestly, I'm not sure if I want to go back to this location .

  • Victoria Ruthann

    Victoria Ruthann


    First time customer and I was like "wow nice." Seemed like the employees working didn't like their job. One of the girls there was polite and greeted her customers, not so much the rest of employees but overall still cool. But they sure could use some guidance to help better their customer service skills

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