L & D Hair Salon en New York

Estados UnidosL & D Hair Salon



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1864, Cornaga Avenue, 11691, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-471-5192
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6024408, Longitude: -73.7518874

comentarios 5

  • en

    Michele Ford


    Wonderful place....love the way they do hair

  • en

    Ana Cruz


    Love Keidy. The rest of the staff is very friendly and also good at what they do.

  • Stacy Hurst

    Stacy Hurst


    The staff are very polite the salon is clean and the prices were very good!

  • Liselot Polanco

    Liselot Polanco


    This one of the most amazing salons I have ever been to. My mom is one of the workers their, and if your having problems with other salons I recommend you come here. Trust me, Customer loyalty is their key. They will take care of you, and make sure you get the treatment you deserve. I hope to see you their soon.

  • Shounie Almond

    Shounie Almond


    I just love Liz!!!! The shampooing girls are nice as well but Liz!! She's just amazing, she cares about her clients. I believe she's the reason my hair grew so long and healthy. I recommend Liz to everyone!!

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