Kupchik Dental i West Nyack

Forenede StaterKupchik Dental



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2, Medical Park Drive, 10994, West Nyack, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-535-3500
internet side: www.kupchikdental.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.0956691, Longitude: -73.9831389

kommentar 5

  • en

    Virginia De La Cruz


    I absolutely love going to my dental appointments! Before I used to experience anxiety and now is actually a relaxing enjoyable experience. The facility is super clean and everyone that works there is super nice and make you feel comfortable, from the reception desk to the doctor, they are all a pleasure to talk to. My husband and I will forever be patients of Dr. Kupchik.

  • Barbara Mesnick

    Barbara Mesnick


    This office is very accommodating and very efficient. The dental hygienists are caring and knowledgeable. Dr. Kupchik is a wonderful dentist.

  • en

    Daniella Itin


    I went to Kupchik Dental for the first time on an emergency basis. The staff and doctors were very pleasant and helpful. The appointment was right on time and I was thankful that they fit me in for same day. I will be returning to this office and highly recommend it.

  • en

    abdu greenidge


    Dr Anna Kupchik is the best dentist I've ever been to. Sometimes going to a Dentist can be embarrassing. She and her staff make you feel at ease, no judgement. While you're in the chair they do everything to make sure you are comfortable. Great experience every time. Most importantly they fixed my smile so I am forever grateful.

  • en

    Huw Phillips


    Anna is the best dentist I have ever had in my life. She's incredibly precise and gentle - things which used to hurt at other dentists don't hurt at all with her. All my kids have gone to her and said the same thing. Plus, she's a nice person, and very funny! I recommend her and her practice with no reservations whatsoever.

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