Kubes Jewelers w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneKubes Jewelers



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2700, West Berry Street, 76109, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 817-926-2626
strona internetowej: www.kubesjewelers.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.706211, Longitude: -97.35569

komentarze 5

  • Candace Elenez

    Candace Elenez


    My fiancé always dreamed of buying an engagement ring at Kubes since that where his dad got his mom’s ring. Katie was so helpful giving him all the information he needed! We worked with Chris to design a custom ring combining all the elements I loved. He updated my fiancé with every step of the production. And last Wednesday I said YES! Thank you Kubes for everything! You are our jeweler for life 💗💍

  • en

    Chase Schwartz


    I love this place! This place is very transparent on there prices. They are the only jewelry store I visited that will give you a appraisal paper with your purchase. They stand by the price and quality of there pruducts. Every time I have been here, i have been treated like royalty. I also never felt like I'm obligated to buy anything from them.

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    Shaquanda Marshall


    I just left and I had an amazing experience with a lady named Teresa. I only went to see about a ring getting sized. But this lady had the most beautiful spirit, very humbled, polite, and helpful. (And in this day where kindness and customer service is almost nonexistent.) So Kubes Jewelers please do whatever u have to do to keep her and more amazing people like this in your store. I WILL BE BACK TO DO BUSINESS AGAIN!

  • en

    Nikki Rhodes


    The BEST customer service around. If you have an issue they will go out of their way to help you (if you are reasonable). A family owned and operated business, this is a wonderful STAPLE of Ft. Worth.

  • Jovan Dewaal

    Jovan Dewaal


    My mother, best friend and I all chose Kubes for our engagement rings and wedding bands. The staff is experienced, the service is top notch, and prices are very fair. I scoured the market before deciding on Kubes. For the same quality, they can beat Tiffany's prices, and they give the assurance and quality you cannot find at discount dealers or online. Kubes even worked with me to perfect the engagement ring I "dreamed up" for my wife. It was a positive experience I will not forget.

najbliższy Jubiler

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