Krispy Kreme w Jersey City

Stany ZjednoczoneKrispy Kreme



🕗 godziny otwarcia

95, Christopher Columbus Drive, 07302, Jersey City, Hudson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 201-360-2005
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7189255, Longitude: -74.0418021

komentarze 5

  • Nando Speers

    Nando Speers


    What can I say ! Awesome !! Delicious !! If you like donuts this is the place. And this location is specially nice. Very clean. You can watch the donuts being prepared through a big window in the production area (so kids love it), great coffee and all the delicious donuts you could desire. Go there and be ready to indulge !!! Have some fun !!!😍

  • Ezequiel Santiago

    Ezequiel Santiago


    This is one the most beautiful Krispy Kreme franchises I've ever been to. Super clean really well kept. Everything was shiny almost what would be used in a movie scene in a motion picture. Outside was very beautiful and clean accessible handicap friendly and it really stands out. The coffee's were great and the donuts were so fresh. They were tasty like the one in the Atlanta franchise. My experience was almost perfect and I would have given it 5 stars if it had not been for the host on duty, James. He seemed bothered before we could place the order. As my wife and daughter were placing their order he seemed more bothered by us and was very impatient. Never a smile just a mad rude deminor. Very short in his answers and unwilling to even suggest anything. I talked up Krispy Kreme to my family because I've enjoyed it throughout the many years but this host almost ruined it for us. Please change this and you'll get five stars.

  • Patricia Jean-paul

    Patricia Jean-paul


    Just the smell coming from the inside of this place puts you in a great mood! The atmosphere & food are excellent every time. I have loved Krispy Kreme since I used to go to NY with my dad every weekend as a kid. I'm so happy that they're finally right here in Jersey City, NJ!

  • Will Fotsch

    Will Fotsch


    Just what you'd expect from a Krispy Kreme - reliable donut indulgence from a solid chain. Look out for the "hot now" sign to get fresh donuts that will melt in your mouth. If you're looking for something local/new/different, go elsewhere as there are a lot of great bakeries and coffee shops in JC (I'm partial to Tea NJ for great tea/coffee and a nice selection of vegan pastries/treats).

  • Princess Cheyenne

    Princess Cheyenne


    Oh me oh my! Let me tell you about this place. The fresh glazed donuts are the best thing you could ever have. The not so fresh ones are okay as well. I think Krispy Kreme is only good for their fresh glazed donuts. Their other flavors in donuts aren't up to par. Their Apple fritter is okay but tasty.

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