Krispy Kreme w Roanoke

Stany ZjednoczoneKrispy Kreme



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1325, U.S. 377, 76262, Roanoke, Denton County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 682-831-1624
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.0169697, Longitude: -97.2189113

komentarze 5

  • en

    Austin Shanks


    The last few times we went into this store there were hardly anybody in the store for customers yet all the tables were dirty this was our day to go back and same problem the only difference was it was even nastier than before there were ants crawling on top of the counter to the left of the donut case. There was nasty milk in the milk case built all in there chocolate white and strawberry. The counter where I set my purse down to pay had sticky wet coffee and milk spilt didn't see it at first. They're also wasn't one clean table to sit at yet there were no customers in there and 6 workers when I asked one of them if they had a wash rag to wipe down the table one worker replied we don't have any Rags but I can give you a paper towel? So I told him it's not my job to clean your tables you should be checking to see if they're clean literally there's no place to sit and when I pointed out the sugar ants on the counter by the donuts and all the things spilt on the counter he nodded and frowned and said yeah we've had a problem with fans for a while will not be eating there again!

  • Racheal Newman

    Racheal Newman


    Went inside around 8 40 and the lights were off for the open even though it said still open on site. I waited for 5 minutes last night and nobody came to the front. As I was leaving I saw one person outside with headphones on.

  • en

    710DabMonster 1GramDabKing


    Super friendly Sunday manager! She was very kind to me when I walked in, greeted me with a big smile. Very satisfied with my experience here, I will return

  • Lew Mollenkamp

    Lew Mollenkamp


    Food is good but staff always seems disengaged.

  • David Butler

    David Butler


    Went to drive through for a snack. There was no answer at the speaker. I drove to the window. It took about 30 seconds for someone to come over. He had headphones on like from a phone listening to music. Got my snack and paid. Left with no napkins. Donuts were good. I was a little worried as the man said they had no fresh donuts until 5 and it was 3.

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