Krav Maga SF w San Francisco

Stany ZjednoczoneKrav Maga SF



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1455, Bush Street, 94109, San Francisco, San Francisco County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 415-921-0612
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 37.7884959, Longitude: -122.4213209

komentarze 5

  • Diana Glocker

    Diana Glocker


    Teen self defense and 6 week intensives are both amazing. Committed instructors produce committed teens! Yay!

  • en

    Lonna Denny


    This is the real deal. You can use the stuff they teach you after one class, it's that simple. Nice people, not a macho environment, great training.

  • Christine Chao

    Christine Chao


    The practice of Krav Maga itself deserves commendation for synergizing physical fitness, technical skill, and mental acumen like no other martial art. Fundamentally it's an extremely practical and effective discipline that sharpens both mind and body. While it's hard to go wrong with such extolled virtues, it's still the execution that counts, like they say! So, my review is of the quality of the instructors, as that is the true rate-limiting factor (besides one's own capability to learn, that is) of one's experience with learning the practice. I found the instructors at KMSF to be consistently excellent. All were skillful at demonstrating the critical components of each technique and were attentive to detail. Furthermore, they exuded genuine passion for the discipline which was very inspiring. Several instructors affected a gruff persona which was even more endearing because despite all the pseudo-punishments of dropping down and doing 10 pushups for a number of offenses (not paying attention to the instructions, failing to stay together as a group, etc), I could feel their genuine desire to share their knowledge and to lead us to succeed, and that itself is worth a stellar review.

  • en

    Michael Flanigan


    Krav Maga is a realistic self-defense system that is easy to learn. The classes are a lot of fun and you get a great sweat in without even realizing it. What I like about this school is that the classes they offer are always challenging and fun. Whether it's going from Level 1 Krav Maga and testing to higher levels of Krav Maga, taking fight classes, intense conditioning classes, ground fighting, KO-Bag, TRX, Cross-Fit,Jiu Jitsu, or even Yoga, this facility provides you with a variety of fitness options with quality instructors. The students here are great as well, no egos and lots of positive vibes. I drive into the city for Krav and parking is never an issue, a huge plus for me. If you're still not sure, stop by and try out a couple of classes for free. Just be warned that Krav is addicting and you'll be hooked.

  • Valerie K

    Valerie K


    I love this place! It is the most fun work our ever! I started krav maga, which I love, but other classes are amazing too (boxing, conditioning). The classes are super fun, very practical (they teach self defence after all!), and very intense, so you stay fit and/or lose weight while having a ton of fun. (especially conditioning - if you want to get in shape quickly - every class will make you lose 4 lb!). The instructors are awesome and fun too, and very professional - they will make sure you get the moves correctly, and the drills they trough at you during the classes will keep you on your toes! As for the prices: it is 99/ months, if you sign up during the special deal; one year contract. They do not do "pay per class", so unless you can commit and come at least twice a week, you probably want to think before signing in.

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