Krakatoa w San Diego

Stany ZjednoczoneKrakatoa



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1128, 25th Street, 92102, San Diego, San Diego County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 619-230-0272
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7174897, Longitude: -117.1405609

komentarze 5

  • Brittany Rouille

    Brittany Rouille


    Love this place!! Their house coffee is delicious! And it comes in nice giant-sized mugs 👌🏼 The gluten-free coconut muffin is incredible. Great place to work (WiFi, plugs, vibes) and the outdoor patio is perfect. Best coffee shop in SD.

  • en



    This is my local coffee shop and I couldn't be happier. Super great staff, the atmosphere is just the right amount of cozy and laid back. They have a great patio if you need to come and hang out while you get some work done. Great prices on their coffee and GREAT portions for their food. So sick and tired of cafes that give you doll sized bites when you order. Not this place, lots of great options guaranteed to fill you up.

  • Dustin Fraley

    Dustin Fraley


    Great coffee shop. Service is excellent. Coffee is well made. I enjoy the atmosphere and deck to work and have casual conversations.

  • en

    Shiney Sharma


    I live on the other side of the country and I dream of the Orange Blossom latte!! It is one the most delicious drinks I have ever had! Everytime I am in San Diego I go there multiple times just so I can be reunited with this magical drink. The avocado and bacon toast is also quite good.

  • Brooke Culotta

    Brooke Culotta


    It's its own little cove in San Diego where you'll feel as though you've gone to another state. The flavors their drinks and dishes have are as vivacious as names. The ambience is mellow and relaxing with a patio hidden underneath an enormous tree. Sitting too close to the smoker's patio will force you to contend with wafts of smoke, but it's a small price to pay for the coziest table there. The avocado in my dish was bruised and not the most flavorful, but still enjoyable to where I'd be happy to visit again.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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