Kosarin Paul a DDS w Wantagh

Stany ZjednoczoneKosarin Paul a DDS


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1228, Wantagh Avenue, 11793, Wantagh, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-785-0730
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.692596, Longitude: -73.50824

komentarze 1

  • Diana Yu

    Diana Yu


    I had gone to Dr Paul Kosarin to start a crown in my upper molar. He had cut my upper gums and had installed a temporary cover that is pointy at the corner. My gums are possibly infected as it is feeling hot, sore and swollen. The reason being their is a point at the temporary molar is he had also without my knowledge filed down the molar directly under this molar being worked on! Now the sandy pointy corner hits the freshly shaved down tooth which will further damage my teeth. In addition to this, while filing down my upper molar his "hands slips" while using the filing tool and a few times the filing tool ended up ping ponging all over my top and bottom teeth. It was as if he was pretending that it slipped out of his hand and " I am sorry" my hand slipped and hit and buzzed off my good teeth. He also dropped the white cement all over my face, near my mouth and in my mouth. Afterwards he cleans it with a strong acetone which burned my skin! He then at the end after I said my face is burning, he takes out a "orange -non toxic" cleanser oil which was not taken out earlier until after my skin was already burned! He also took out the temporary molar 5 times and shaping it on my face having all the fine cement landing on my face! No I am left with aggitated burned corner of my mouth skin, a filed down good molar, a badly cut "possibly infected" sore gum. A temporary cover that has a point at the other end with is also so big I can not bite down without damamging the freshly saved down tooth further damaging my molar! This was possibly done because I refused a teeth cleaning which he appeared to be upset that I refused. He also proceeded to take 17 xrays directing my hands to hold the xray film! He also did not use a xray protector at my neck! I am tramatized by what he had done to me.I am now going to another DDS for corrective work. I had paid $1490 for his services that still still not render a crown. ONLY after confronting the dentist, he still dod'nt want to refund $$$$ when service was not rendered! Linda the wife finally said, Paul it's not worth it I am going to refund her...

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