Kohl's Old Bridge en Old Bridge Township

Estados UnidosKohl's Old Bridge



🕗 horarios

1043, U.S. 9, 08857, Old Bridge Township, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 732-316-4760
sitio web: www.kohls.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.447792, Longitude: -74.294961

comentarios 5

  • en

    Michael Wolfthal


    Becoming my go to store for clothes. Good quality along with good value. Ya for Kohls cash.

  • Richard D

    Richard D


    Got incredible deals today. $10 off a purchase of $25.00 and $5.00 Kohl's cash for every $25.00 I spent. Win, Win if you ask me...not to mention the clearance section is included with these other offers :)

  • yogesh patel

    yogesh patel


    I Specially thanks to Mr. Jim who is working there is so kind & honest man i totally forget my phone but he ran behind me retuned it, god bless him.

  • Adriana Basile

    Adriana Basile


    Great spot for inexpensive clothing. Also shopped there for a samsonite luggage which was on sale.. great deal for a good luggage brand.

  • SusanandGary Fisher

    SusanandGary Fisher


    Love Kohl's. Use here for simplicity when I visit this area... But oh what a mess if a store. I've been here during slow months and wild-holiday months and it's a challenge to look through product ... It's strewn all about. Shelves of sizes are so dang challenging to go through. Clothing sizes on racks are simply NOT the size or style of the rack... Yes, it's all over, and yes, the truth: it's the shoppers who don't care to put things back... But this store cannot keep up. And I sense it's hard to find staff who care...the (it's been my experience here) women are so remarkably detached... They acknowledge you, but aren't friendly or exude any desire to help, nor to be there. Still, it's 'my ' store and this one, while it exists, is relied on for good deals.

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