Kitchen Depot i Hauppauge

Forenede StaterKitchen Depot



🕗 åbningstider

115, Commerce Drive, 11788, Hauppauge, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-951-0477
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.809762, Longitude: -73.262295

kommentar 5

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    Gregory Iyageh


    Respectful service.

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    Nice place t

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    Kevin Feldman


    Marlene Ritland helped us design our kitchen. It was an absolute pleasure working with Marlene, she was very helpful in the design and was able to draw up the kitchen plans very quickly. Long story short, if you want a professionally designed bathroom or kitchen, at very reasonable cost, just go to kitchen depot and see Marlene. You will not be disappointed!

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    michael jennosa


    Marlene was our kitchen designer. She was very helpful in every aspect from concept to completion. We had a minor issue months after the kitchen was completed and it was rectified in a matter of minutes. Thank you for your great help and excellent service we will continue to recommend kitchen Depot and Marlene to our friends and family!!

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    Gretter Borges


    Great quality cabinets. Miri is great and very professional

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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