King Nail 2000 w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneKing Nail 2000


brak informacji

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4935, Broadway, 10034, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-569-3455
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8677914, Longitude: -73.9215235

komentarze 5

  • en

    Regina Christoforatos


    Been going for 20 years. Love my girls!

  • en

    Pabla F


    I went to this place with two of my friends to get manicures. The young girl who painted my nails this a terrible job! She used so much nail polish that it took for ever to dry. She did not paint the sides of my nails and I even have air bubbles. After 1 hour of getting out of this place, my nails were still not dry and looks like a five year old painted them. Don't go to this place! IT'S A WASTE OF MONEY!

  • en

    Sophie A


    Was just denied service for no apparent reason other than "no can do. your (natural) nails are beautiful and she (the technician) is going to mess them up." Oddest thing is, manager acknowledged that I had been getting a manicure there every couple of weeks for the past few months. What happened?!

  • en

    Carol Mancebo


    Just had the worst experience at this nail salon. They are unprofessional. I walked in and asked for a soak to take my nails off and she told me "everybody left nobody is here" while I see a couple of girls on their headphones not even looking my way. So then I said well this girl has on my nails before can she just soak off my nails and she said no everybody left. So she then told me that she only does eyebrows and then I said OK can you do my eyebrows, she said no "I don't want to do your eyebrows." So at the end of the day I was the problem. No one can explain why though. I'm so upset I could cry! 207 and Broadway next to T-Mobile in Manhattan (inwwod area)

  • Lupe H

    Lupe H


    You can't even talk on the phone while waiting because they think you're talking too loud. Don't even get me started on the amount of flies always in this nasty ass place. Ridiculous and they aren't even welcoming. Not recommended. And plus, they're way too small of a business. Hardly any room to sit or move.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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