Kim's Nail Salon w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneKim's Nail Salon



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6400, McCart Avenue, 76133, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-292-8827
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.65223, Longitude: -97.36557

komentarze 5

  • en

    Charlotte Stone


    Friendly staff, clean, and reasonable pricing. Great place for a pedicure! Will be coming back soon!

  • en

    Misty York


    Been going to Kim's Nail Salon for about 6-7 months and I've always been happy with the outcome. I won't go anywhere else. They are awesome!!!

  • en

    Amy Rogers


    I had a full set done on Friday April 20 and I advised the operator Tom, that I needed them to be a little thick because I type for a living. Well on Saturday April 21, I had a hairline crack in the middle finger and it fell off before the night was over, mind you I was on vacation and didn’t do anything unusual. Let’s just say since then I have had 5 fingernails replaced and the manager had the gaull to get loud and say that it is my fault. First of all I have been wearing nails for over 20 years and I am professional enough that if I break my own nails due to my own negligence, then I will pay to have my nails repaired. This was my first and last time ever using them for my services especially when I explained upfront where the thickness needed to be. If I could give less than a zero that would be great. Run from this place they are also way behind in nail advancement and design. They also lack professionalism and customer service skills.

  • Brianna who

    Brianna who


    Phenomenal nails! Tom did amazing work! Perfection for sure. Highly recommend this nail salon. I have been to 5 different salons in the last several months looking for someone to listen to what I want and make it happen. Today was my first visit to Kim Nails and I am thoroughly pleased.

  • en

    Tamara Andino


    It's my second time in this shop, first time I only got a pedicure and it was awesome. Today I got pedicure again and a full set of Dip powder and it was amazing like the first time. Love my full set, amazing job from Sonia and Kim! Always good service, attention and very clean place! I recommend this place 100%

najbliższy Salon piękności

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