Kids Mile High Pediatric Dentistry w Englewood

Stany ZjednoczoneKids Mile High Pediatric Dentistry



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125, Inverness Drive East, 80112, Englewood, Arapahoe County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-779-5306
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.5810939, Longitude: -104.8664237

komentarze 5

  • pierina reyes

    pierina reyes


    My experience with Dr Paddy was incredible. He was patient and explained in detail what ls going on in my kids mouth. He took the time to check in with me and let me know how my son is doing. He is a great dentist!

  • Sandra Manriquez

    Sandra Manriquez


    We’re happy that we referred to Kids Mile High Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Paddy and his staff have been wonderful!! Even when the visits are tough they always make us feel welcomed and we know our son is in good hands. Everyone is always happy and in good spirits. The office is super nice and fun. I highly recommend them.

  • Kelly Weisberg

    Kelly Weisberg


    Dr Paddy and his staff are hands down the best dental staff our son has ever interacted with. Since our son was little he had several dental issues and always had a extreme fear of going to the dental office. He met Dr Paddy and his team this past year and now looks forward to going to the dental office and even says he would love to grow up to be a dentist as good as Dr Paddy someday. The staff, the office set up and entire experience is kid centered and friendly.

  • Savannah Spellman

    Savannah Spellman


    We Love Kids Mile High Pediatric Dentistry! The staff is always kind and take care of us great. They have a great waiting room for the kiddos. They are never behind. They always explain everything to us and kids to understand. Dr. Paddy is always so amazing with the kids. He makes them laugh and feel comfortable. Not to mention the staff are beautiful and Dr. P is a handsome man 🤗, so that’s always a plus.

  • Jessica Kachniarz

    Jessica Kachniarz


    Dr. Paddy and his entire team made my son's first dental experience seamless. Miss Laura was so kind and gentle with him. Dr. Paddy made it fun, was engaged and spent ample time answering my questions. The waiting area is geared toward entertaining kids and there's a movie playing overhead to keep your child happy while in the chair. We will be sending all of our kids to Dr. Paddy!

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