Kid to Kid w San Antonio

Stany ZjednoczoneKid to Kid



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4911, Northwest Loop 410, 78229, San Antonio, Bexar County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 210-680-3496
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.4900063, Longitude: -98.5838176

komentarze 5

  • Lawrence Landez

    Lawrence Landez


    One Man's Trash is One Man's Treasure. Children's Clothes at a reasonable price.

  • Laura Aguado

    Laura Aguado


    Very fair prices on clothing and toys. Employees could be a little more friendly though

  • en

    Yvonne Garcia


    If you sale here make sure you have all your clothes flat in a pile, if you go with a bag or box full they will tell you to lay all of them out. Also make sure everything is put together or they will tell you to put it together if they can't figure it out. The girl "helping me" wasn't very nice she was a bit rude. I gave them 2 stars cause I was out of there in no more 30 min. . they basically just took everything that was new. The condition of the clothes were not worth me buying even though their clothes were 50% off.

  • en

    Amanda Grubb


    This place made me angry when I called they said they were taking sizes preemie to NB AND 2T AND UP summer and winter. This place chose maybe 3 items.....I left with 4$. Never wasting my time here again!

  • en

    Sandra puente


    Very horrible told to place all items on table for them to go thru them next I was told to look around and next the girl was calling my name so go and tell me that the amount and me not able to see what was bought! Well the items that were only selected were only all my new items which I never got to see until I got home and went thru the items and all they took was some baby clothes with tags and all my girls new Polo's skirts and Polo pants with tags never used. And just for a small amount ! And to top it off I was told that they girls size they wouldn't buy because it was a big size and how is it all Polo's big size were purchased! So called and spoke to the cashier and she tells me that she showed me the items. Which she NEVER did . So then the owner calls me the next day VERY RUDE saying I signed the contract and that was that and that I had some nerve to call his worker a liar. That she did show me the items. Well it was a first time for me there and the last time. What they advertised on their door buy used clothes ha they only took all my new items. And the owner VERY's fine my loss I just should have just kept the same routine with my old buyers. They treat me with respect. And very appreciates with items!!!

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