Khizer's Kitchen w Bolingbrook

Stany ZjednoczoneKhizer's Kitchen



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112, North Bolingbrook Drive, 60440, Bolingbrook, Will County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 630-863-7018
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Latitude: 41.6990312, Longitude: -88.0669141

komentarze 5

  • Fahad Ahmed

    Fahad Ahmed


    Great food. Best chicken sandwich I ever had in Chicago area. Kids like animal fries.

  • Saad Awais

    Saad Awais


    The food was really great that i had to praise the chef! we ordered the crispy chicken burger, which is also called the Zinger Burger, so far this has been the best zinger which is one breast piece , not like other places which use tenders inside a burger and call it Zinger. Give it a try its worth every penny. The recipe is original, the sauce is tasty and coleslaw inside gives the perfect blend to make if perfect. I wish them good luck in future.

  • Vaughn Sanders

    Vaughn Sanders


    My first time having Khizer's. Got the Nuker Fire Burger & Animal Fries w/ Nuker sauce. I don't know which is supposed to be spicier but the Nuker sauce on the fries wasn't spicy at all. The spice on the sandwich w/ fire sauce was OK. It was like a medium Nashville hot. However the fried chicken had a nice crunch, was juicy & topped nicely with slaw. It went really well together along with the buttery bun. I was totally stuffed & didn't need the side of fries. The sandwich was pretty large. I'll definitely be back to try other things on the menu.

  • Zafar Mohiuddin (ZM PROTech)

    Zafar Mohiuddin (ZM PROTech)


    Absolutely fantastic experience. The portion size is huge and tastes great. Budget friendly and delivered the food on promised time. I would got here time and again.

  • Mueed Mohammed

    Mueed Mohammed


    Went in for dinner and tried the Messy cheese Burger and Nuker fire seasoned Fries. Serving size is pretty good. Staff is very polite and service is excellent.

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