Kenshō Homes - Monaco Jersey City w Jersey City

Stany ZjednoczoneKenshō Homes - Monaco Jersey City



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465, Washington Boulevard, 07310, Jersey City, Hudson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 855-653-6746
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7241317, Longitude: -74.0365814

komentarze 5

  • Emmanuelle Scappin

    Emmanuelle Scappin


    Magnificent.Extremely comfortable.Exceptional Hudson rever side location.Outstanding view of the Manhattan skyline from our 43rd floor apartment.Superbly recommended by the extraordinarily efficacious Mr Barcin from Kensho Homes.We were a family of five and our stay was an amazing experience.The apartment was contemporally and tastefully furnished and had faboulos floor to ceiling windows,we really couldn't have wished for more.On our arrival we were stunned by the breth-taking view.The whole apartment was pristine and quiet.There was a separate master bedroom with en suite as well as sumtuous living area , fully furbished kitchen and a further bathroom.In total the apartment had 3 walk in wardrobes,3 large smart tv's more than enough for a family of five.It was a plesure to return to at the end of each day

  • Regina Poniridis

    Regina Poniridis


    If you are planning a stay in New York do not waste your time in finding a room in Manhattan. Kensho Homes Monaco provides you with everything you would ask for, plus a breathtaking view with all the shades of the Manhattan skyline 24/7. The apartments are spotless, comfortable with all the amenities, plus there is a gym and a pool with a view at your disposable. You are a few steps away from the Newport station, and in just 7 minutes with the path train you are at the world trade center. It is the dream place to go back to, after a long city day.




    Is there an option with 6 stars? I don’t know where to start to describe such an amazing experience, the place, the views, the sophisticated decoration or the perfect location. Kensho is definitly the perfect place to be.

  • en

    Geoffrey Bell


    This unit is nothing short of superb. It is spacious and was spotless on our arrival. The kitchen is very well equipped with a good welcome pack. The washer dryer proved useful over the week. The beds in both rooms were very comfortable, typically American, huge and clean. Visitors will have seen the pictures of the view from the 26th floor. Believe me nothing prepares you for the grandeur of lower Manhattan, especially at night when we arrived and the city is lit up. Watching the sun come up over the city the following morning was breathtaking. This apartment has an additional feature that is not mentioned and that is it is on the corner of the building. Therefore it has a double aspect view so not only does one look at the skyline I’ve mentioned, you are able to look into Jersey city and beyond. Stunning. The links to transport is so easy. Behind the apartment block is a very well equipped supermarket. There are lots of eateries close by. The pace of things this side of the river is a change from the hustle and bustle of Manhattan. It really was like returning home and the now comforting view we were privileged to see each night. The last thing I wish to mention is that I’d come to New York to celebrate my birthday. You may imagine how touched I was to find a personal note from the manager wishing me a happy birthday along with a bottle of wine on our arrival. My wife and I celebrated my birthday, having an evening meal, enjoying the wine, the splendour of the apartment and watched Manhattan turn from day to night. Magical.

  • Raeda Alkhatib

    Raeda Alkhatib


    I booked at Kensho (New Jersey )for a weekend; not knowing what to expect with only hopes to be satisfactory; but when I walked into the apartment…WOW it was spectacular ; the accommodation ,the spacious areas; and the city view was breathtaking across Hudson river ,trade center bldg. and more. Adding to this 5 minutes’ walk to Grocery stores, 10 minutes’ walk to subway (easy access to everything we needed). As for real agent (Ali Barcin); he`s amazing guy, he was on constant contact with me; answered my calls even in late night times; provided me with every single guide, he made sure that me and my family I would have a comfortable, pleasant stay; which we did; honestly we wished we could stay longer. I strongly recommend Kensho Apartments..

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