Kelly's Closet w Atlanta

Stany ZjednoczoneKelly's Closet



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1649, McLendon Avenue Northeast, 30307, Atlanta, DeKalb County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 404-377-9923
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.764731, Longitude: -84.3335143

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jules Karnauch


    Definitely pricey selection, but SO many beautiful gowns and the experience is wonderful. I shopped around at 10 stores before finding my perfect bridal gown, and though I did not find it here, I would recommend this to every bride still looking! Plus--though the selection is pricey--they frequently have sample sales and trunk shows, so it's absolutely worth a visit or two! Also--shout out to one of their associates who sent me pictures of their veils via email when I was looking and couldn't make the trip downtown to Atlanta. This is a must-go!

  • Jessica Floyd

    Jessica Floyd


    I just purchased my wedding dress from Kelly's Closet after trying on dozens of dresses at several other local boutiques. The staff at Kelly's Closet were all so nice and welcoming both times I visited the store. Susan, in particular, was so helpful with her suggestions and worked with me to order exactly what I wanted. Excellent service all around!

  • en

    Breanne Baker


    LOVE! Everyone was so nice and laid back. I didn't feel any pressure and felt very comfortable the entire time.

  • Joya Freeman

    Joya Freeman


    I never actually shopped here but I used to deliver here..they always had a lot of business and I have family members that say that this is a great place with a lot of beautiful items

  • en

    Karen Lyerly


    I absolutely adore Kelly and if every bride could duplicate our wedding dress shopping experience life would be stress free! From the moment we walked in the door, Kelly’s attentive service and kind nature totally put my daughter at ease. I cannot day enough about Kelly’s Closet... what a blessing!

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